By John W. Lillpop
Baltimore City Attorney Marilyn Mosby, in what will surely be a seminal moment in US history, has charged all six Baltimore officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray with crime(s).
Ms. Mosby has thus turned the very real threat of civil war in the streets of Baltimore into celebrations and ecstasy among black communities throughout the nation. At least for the moment, perhaps for the weekend.
But how long will the joy survive? How soon will the grim reality of life in Baltimore return to the celebrants?
What then?
It’s just a thought, but one I am sure Barack Obama has entertained during one of his “soul-searching” episodes.
Namely, to truly make amends for hundreds of years of abuse and discrimination, why not issue a few trillion dollars worth of reparations to black families?
The national debt is already out of control and unmanageable, so how much damage can a few trillion more cause, especially for a legitimate cause—funding peace in the inner cities?