By RS: This clip of Ted Cruz talking about islamic terrorism, both here and abroad, is awesome. But it’s the ending on how he plans to deal with ISIS that got people to their feet in a standing ovation. Here’s what he said:
ISIS is the face of evil. We need a president who stands up and says we will defeat radical Islamic terrorism.
Right now we have a photo-op foreign policy. Drop a bomb here, a missile there. You know, the radicals say they reject modernity, GREAT! We need to send them back to the stone age.
How do you do that? You have a commander-in-chief that lays out a clear objective: We are not going to weaken, we are not going to degrade, we are not going to pinprick ISIS.
We are going to DESTROY THEM. We are going to make it so if you join ISIS, you are signing your death certificate!
BOOM! That’s exactly what we need in a president.
Watch the clip below and be sure to watch to the end:
[youtube oUrkucrcCTI nolink]