ISIS here is showing a combination of execution innovations, with footage unlike anything we have seen before: heads exploding and flying like projectiles, people incinerated with napalm burning them alive, locking people into a giant cage and drowning them to death while recording their screams underwater. Truly sickening. ISIS as it seems are tired of slow beheadings. In the end of the video they perfected an instant beheading technique. They take a number of men, wrap them with explosive rope and blow the heads to shoot upwards like a projectiles. The puppet Obama and his analogy calling ISIS “jayvee team putting on Lakers uniforms” just shows how ridiculous our government is. Perhaps after watching ISIS’s sickest, just released video, that only this will finally wake Americans up, especially that we had 52 attempts linked to ISIS style activity in the U.S in 2015 alone. Here, the ISIS killing fields that no one in the media will ever show:
[youtube 96bbnVPewTQ nolink]
[youtube 4l39oEZW4ic nolink]
The knight of Christ, I say, may strike with confidence and succumb more confidently. When he strikes, he does service to Christ, and to himself when he succumbs. Nor does he bear the sword in vain. He is God’s minister in the punishment of evil doers and the praise of well doers. Surely, if he kills an evil doer, he is not a man-killer, but, if I may so put it, an evil killer. Clearly he is reckoned the avenger of Christ against evildoers, and the defender of Christians. Should he be killed himself, we know he has not perished, but has come safely home. The death which he inflicts is Christ’s gain, and that which he suffers, his own. At the death of the pagan, the Christian exults because Christ is exalted; in the death of the Christian the King’s liberality is conspicuous when the knight is ushered home and rewarded. (St. Bernard, In Praise of a New Knighthood, ch.2)
Islam must be uprooted and destroyed, but that is not going to happen until Christ comes, and with Him as our King and General, the armies of Christ will vanquish and utterly destroy this religion of the Antichrist.
All this gets to show that we need to get the Christians out of Syria and Iraq as such persecution will increase as we see these events unfold. Rescue Christians helps Christians who live under the Muslim yoke flee the persecution. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.
The video of these murders was released from the Nineveh Plains province in Iraq, which is heavily populated by Christians. This type of brutality is being done to Christians and we have to get them out before its too late.