Bobby Jindal: Greece Is a ‘Warning Sign of Where We Could Be Headed’ Under Obama

MANCHESTER, N.H.— While speaking at a town hall Tuesday night in New Hampshire, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said that the Democratic presidency of Barack Obama is “taking us down the path towards socialism.”

“You want to see our future, look at Greece,” said Jindal, who is running to be the Republican nominee for president in 2016. “Taxes are too high, government spending is too high, pensions are underfunded, regulations are stifling the economy and private sector growth is too slow. But there is one key difference. The EU [European Union] may decide to bail out Greece. There is nobody that can bail out America. We are the last hope left for the free world.”

“Greece gave us democracy, now they’re showing us how to kill one,” Jindal added. “But before we get on our high horse and start lecturing them, we need to look in the mirror. This is a warning sign of where we could be headed.”

Gov. Bobby Jindal (Photo: Kate Scanlon/The Daily Signal)

Jindal also criticized Obama’s foreign policy and his negotiation skills. The Iranians and the Chinese get whatever they want, he claims, but the president won’t even talk to Congress.

“I don’t understand why Congressional leaders keep folding to him,” Jindal said. “Nobody else does.”

Asked by an attendee about social security, Jindal said that entitlement programs must be reformed, and that those in Washington D.C. who say otherwise are “math deniers.”

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