By Leigh Bravo
We have watched President Obama honor plenty of fallen Americans, but the majority of them just happen to be crooks, thieves, illegal aliens or followers of Islam! What happened to honoring our fallen Military? The men and women who fight for our freedoms. What happened to honoring our fallen citizens? The hard-working Americans who have been killed as a result of our own President’s failed policies or his refusal to follow our rule of law?
President Obama wasted no time in shining the rainbow lights on the White House, at taxpayer’s expense, after the Supreme Court ruled on Gay marriage. Yet crosses around the country are being torn down in the name of political correctness and personal feelings. The confederate flag has been under attack by the left and the administration as a symbol of hatred, yet symbols celebrating Islam have become more prominent, while Islamic terrorists continue to behead, imprison, drown and burn innocents, while raping young girls, threatening to murder gays, Jews and Christians, setting dogs on fire and laughing while they torture and murder babies and children. Does Islam not represent hatred and disdain for all citizens of the world? Then why does our President continue to celebrate it?
Not more than 24 hours after 4 Marines were slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist, the Empire State building lights up in celebration of an Islamic Holiday celebration. The end of a Holiday that demands a recommitment to Islam. However, for days after the attack, President Obama refused to fly our flag at half mast in honor of the five Americans gunned down by an Islamic Terrorist on US soil. After days of complaints and media scrutiny, President Obama finally succumbed to public pressure and decided to lower the flag.
However, Obama and Michelle did not hesitate to celebrate and announce their good wishes to all Muslims for a happy Ramadan, within hours of the slaughter of our Marines in Tennessee.
“Michelle and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in the United States and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr. As Muslims mark the end of the month, they are reminded that Ramadan is a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, and aid those in need. While Eid marks the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for each individual—a reason to celebrate and express gratitude on this holiday.”
The Administration also actually postponed the celebration of the United States Independence Day, our fourth of July, in order not to offend Muslims celebrating Ramadan.
Obama continues to make excuses for Islam, refuses to identify them as a source of terrorism, and will not assist our strongest allies in the fight against ISIS/ISIL
Meanwhile, on the holiest day of Christians, Obama, at a prayer breakfast, reminds us of the brutality of Christians during the Crusades and the issuance of Jim Crow laws in the name of Jesus Christ, while suggesting Christians get off their high horse.
While countries around the world are stepping up in the face of Islamic terrorism and taking action against it, our President continues to make excuses for Islam, refuses to identify them as a source of terrorism, and will not assist our strongest allies in the fight against ISIS/ISIL.
He disrespects our ally, Israel, while supporting the Islamists, who scream death to Israel and America. He has agreed to a deal with Iran to create Nuclear bombs within our lifetimes making the survival of our children and grandchildren questionable at best. While our representatives consider the consequences of this deal, he pushes it through to the United Nations for approval, completely disregarding the wishes and fears of the American citizens who he is supposed to protect.
Since the beginning of his term as President, Obama has not only refused to follow our Constitution or enforce our rule of law, he ignores the death of an American Citizen, Kathryn Steinle, killed by an illegal alien who had been deported five different times. And this as well as thousands of other murders committed by illegal felons, while Obama assures us he has secured our sovereignty, mocking Republicans who demand more security.
His administration has become a mockery as he attends funerals and speaks out against our police while supporting criminals; baits protesters to burn down their own cities; invites Al Sharpton to participate in advising him on race relations, yet will not take a moment to offer condolences to the family of a young expectant mother murdered as a result of his own failed policies.
Obama has demanded gun control by taking away the rights of many Americans to own guns, through back door legislation, while refusing to enforce the gun laws that are already on our books. Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are demanding that Obama and the DOJ actually start enforcing the laws that Congress has already enacted before enacting new ones. Obama has actually prosecuted 25 percent fewer cases referred by the law enforcement agency charged with reducing firearms violence.
We have seen our Ambassador and three other Americans killed in Benghazi because of an arms deal gone wrong. No help was sent, obviously, to help cover up the fact that this administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department proffered an arms deal with the very people who murdered our Americans. Add insult to injury, they lied and continue to lie in order to cover up their participation in this tragedy.
Let us not forget “Fast and Furious”; The IRS targeting of conservatives; the punishment of whistle blowers; the continued abuse of our Veterans; the NSA spying; and a long list of other atrocities committed by this administration with no consequences.
President Obama, in many speeches, has asked Americans to respect people of all faiths, yet, like his narrative regarding “white on black” racism, he refuses to acknowledge the atrocities that are committed by blacks against whites or the barbaric murders and atrocities that are advertised daily through social media by the followers of Islam.
Without a doubt, President Obama has fulfilled his promise to those who continue to follow him blindly, refusing to see the evil he continues to perpetrate on his path to fundamentally changing the United States.
Richard Nixon was impeached for much less. Have our morals, ethics and standards fallen so low today that we cannot even acknowledge evil when it is standing proud and tall on the steps of our White House cloaked in our American Flag?