By Theodore Shoebat
While the Ten Commandments are being pulled down throughout the country, the city of Detroit just erected a giant statue of Satan. Christians in Detroit are fighting back. Catholic group, Church Militant, brought in a 6-foot statue of St. Michael, the angel who cast out Satan, while 50 Christians stood outside praying. Rev. Dave Bullock, a Baptist pastor,said:
The last thing we need in Detroit is having a welcome home party for evil
One protestor declared:
Satan has no place in this city, or any other city
According to one report:
“Dedicated to Satanic practice and the promotion of Satanic rights,” the Satanic Temple that organized the unveiling did so in an undisclosed location. There had been threats to blow up the statue.
“Baphomet contains binary elements symbolizing a reconciliation of opposites, emblematic of the willingness to embrace, and even celebrate differences,” organizer Jex Blackmore told reporters.
The Satanic Temple, according to its Web site, “holds to the basic premise that undue suffering is bad, and that which reduces suffering is good. We do not believe in symbolic ‘evil.’”
The incident has provoked outrage in Detroit’s Christian community. “This unveiling will not happen in the City of Detroit on my watch,” Bishop Corletta Vaughn of the Holy Ghost Cathedral in Detroit, an evangelical church, declared. “I’m here to stand against this being in the City of Detroit. We will not turn over our city to Satanists. It’s a violent spirit that’s moving to the city and infiltrating that place. We will drive them out of Dodge.”
“We will not turn over our city to Satanists,” she added.
The Satanic Temple kept the site of the unveiling of the huge statue closely guarded. Information was emailed only to members of the group and others who were previously given tickets to witness the unveiling.
“The last thing we need in Detroit is having a welcome home party for evil,” Reverend Dave Bullock, a pastor at Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church in Highland Park, Michigan, says.
“Satan has no place in this city, or any other city,” a protestor declared. Martin C. Tutwiler, another protestor, said the Satanic Temple sought Detroit as the city where it could erect the statue because “they think we’re down as a city.”
The statue needs to be destroyed and demolished, just as the righteous kings of Israel destroyed the idols in Israel. Only a wicked government and society would allow this to happen.
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