Ann Coulter, author of Adios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole, joined the Breitbart News Sunday radio program with guest host Matthew Boyle to discuss immigration issues and policies included in her new book.
The firebrand author expressed her affinity for recently revealed immigration policy propositions from 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Coulter took time to compare them with other 2016 candidates immigration strategies.
Aside from writing bestsellers, Coulter is a conservative social and political commentator, a syndicated columnist, and lawyer. She told the listening audience that the media’s game, the elite’s plan, is to “never let Americans think about immigration because they know if we get in to the debate they’re going to lose.”
Donald Trump is not letting that happen Coulter said.
Boyle asked Coulter for her position on Mr. Trump’s recently released immigration plan. Coulter responded, “It’s absolutely magnificent. I feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t believe I’m turning on the TV and seeing people even talk about anchor babies.”
“I want to kiss him for refusing to back away from that phrase.”
Coulter addressed H1B guest worker visas saying, “Immigration policies should serve the interest of the people who already live here.”
She went on to criticize questions over how Mr. Trump plans to deport illegal aliens before calling out 2016 Presidential candidates Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80%
and Jeb Bush for failing to provide the public with sufficient immigration plans.
Boyle reminded listeners of the Gang of Eight immigration bill and those that pushed the de facto amnesty plan.
One caller asked Coulter if she was going to be a part of any Donald Trump campaign rallies to which she said she would be at a Trump rally in Iowa on Tuesday.
Another caller asked what Coulter’s immigration plan would entail. She began by saying, “deport them.”
“Anchor babies come from a footnote in a Justice Brennan decision from 1982. The idea this is why our ancestors fought at Valley Forge – so that illegal immigrants could run across the border, drop a baby and that baby would be a citizen and could bring in the whole family and start collecting welfare right away. I mean there are nearly half a million a year anchor babies coming in. The idea that a country has no control over who gets to be a citizen in our country is utter madness. It was cooked up by this left-wing zealot William Brennan.”
Coulter described a brutal murder that she said an “anchor baby” teenager committed in the United States and received only three years for. According to the Adios America author he has returned to the U.S. without restriction.
Another caller pressed, “If we get a President who really does seal the border and takes care of the other issues, the visas” is there a need to round up and deport those in the U.S. illegally?
Coulter responded that in the writing of her book she did change her position on a couple of issues of which this is one.
“This is why Americans have a warm spot in their hearts for immigrants, because you’re thinking of pre-1970s immigrants. As you know from reading my book, oh no no no no no no, the system totally changed with Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration Act. And the post-1970 immigrants, why did Democrats want them? Because they’re voting eight to two for the Democrats. They’re also far more likely to be on welfare, both legal and illegal immigrants, post-1970 than the native American population.”
“There are too many left-wing groups out there working overtime to keep pumping in the most peasant, poorest cultures in the world to just keep block voting for the Democrats.”
Coulter said the “rounding them up part” would “be a bargain at any price.”
“There are so many costs of illegal immigration that we’re not even told about. The 20 billion that gets sent back just to Mexico, just to Mexico in remittances. That’s 20 billion dollars that isn’t being spent to buy your product, to buy your house, to tip you, to spend money at a grocery store. That is just 20 billion dollars being sucked out of the American economy. How about the cost in rapes, in destroyed families, in murders and homicides.”
Boyle asked Coulter about the immigration policies of 2016 Presidential candidates other than Trump to which she responded, “The more that jump into this the better off we are.” She ultimately indicated that 2012 failed GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney would make a “dynamite” running mate for Donald Trump.
Coulter stated that her other idea for a Trump running mate is Rep. Dave Brat.
The next caller asked about the large numbers of foreign nationals being brought into the U.S. under the banner of asylum.
Referencing Muslim immigrants and domestic terror acts in recent history, Coulter said, “How about we don’t keep brining them in. We’d have a lot fewer terrorists we need the FBI to be following and watching if we didn’t keep bringing them in. Something that might occur to France today.”
Yet another caller asked Coulter about the asylum issue, to which she responded, “This is the direct pipeline to move the third world into American towns and cities. They are bankrupting these cities. They are dumping crime and I might add terrorism. We actually took a Rwandan genocide woman as a refugee.”