Protests throughout Europe, Europeans scream “No to Islamisation,” in anti-refugee protesters

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Ten of Thousands of European people joined anti-migrant protest throughout Europe as their leaders put the interest if immigrants before their own, they had enough.

[youtube dOHeRRMmwD8 nolink]

[youtube gqM7DaZ-YlM nolink]

[youtube iMF9PeYGhpU nolink]

[youtube E-dcOOJB3a0 nolink]

[youtube 21lLxPgPgCw nolink]

[youtube jaI3ouZBjoM nolink]

[youtube up3aaKce3vo nolink]

[youtube be6opviiJpc nolink]

[youtube d8jpC9CuqJQ nolink]

[youtube 7q7HYnLzslY nolink]

[youtube hNqK89-waao nolink]

[youtube fWVmdBUGxAo nolink]




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