Defense Intelligence Chief: ISIS Rise a ‘Willful Decision’ of Obama

Well this is a bombshell. Top placed US intelligence insider calls out Obama administration for turning a blind eye toward ISIS rise.

In an interview with Al-Jazeera retired director of the DIA Michael T. Flynn confirms that not only had he studied the Defense Intelligence Agency memo predicting the West’s backing of an Islamic State in Syria when it came across his desk in 2012, but even asserts that the White House’s sponsoring of radical jihadists (that would emerge as ISIL and Nusra) against the Syrian regime was “a willful decision.”

[youtube qRnq4TEe5DU nolink]

The man who until very recently was US’s top military spy-chief gave an interview to Mehdi Hasan of Al Jazeera in July 2015 and was challenged on the rise of ISIL, the War on Terror, torture, and how to deal with Iran.

Until August 2014 Flynn headed an external intelligence service of the United States specializing in defense and military intelligence and was essentially the main person in the administration fighting pseudo-Islamic terrorism.

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