By John Lillpop
If there is indeed a fair and just God, then Democrat Harry Reid will surely burn in Hades for his vile assault on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney from the floor of the US Senate in 2012, in which Reid falsely accused Romney of not paying taxes. Reid later made his egregious behavior all the worse by boasting that the big lie was justified because “It worked!” in defeating Romney and re-electing the most dangerous tyrant in US History, Barack Hussein Obama.
Nearly four years later, Reid again has his knives sharpened and poised to bring down an important Republican, this time the highly-regarded Paul Ryan who may, or may not, be running for Speaker of the US House.
This time, however, the devious Reid is employing a more subtle, less obvious strategy against his GOP prey.
To wit, Reid has stated that he is a “Paul Ryan fan,” and supports Ryan’s bid to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House. As reported at the reference:
“Harry Reid just gave Paul Ryan an unwelcome endorsement for speaker.
The Democratic leader offered his surprise backing for Ryan (R-Wis.) to assume the House speakership, saying he hopes Ryan runs and wins the job because he’s a “Paul Ryan fan.”
Now that IS a dirty trick, worthy of the late Richard Nixon!
If ever there was a reason to oppose Paul Ryan and his bid to be Speaker, Reid’s endorsement should seal the deal!
Shame on you, Harry Reid!
Reference: Read more: