This is the biggest excuse pro-immigration supporters will always cite. It relies on triggering a misguided sense of guilt and compassion in people. Who could fail to be moved by the plight of “fellow human beings” who just want to be free from oppression and suffering?
However, the underlying implication here is that immigrants somehow have a divine right to a better life without having to do anything themselves to create it. So absolute is this right, immigrants are awarded a free pass to break laws governing immigration and asylum! Encouraged by pity-driven bleeding-hearts preaching this narrative as if it was the gospel, aliens heading for Western shores have an attitude of:
Our country has failed so we have a right to leave it and invade your country to enjoy a better life – at your expense.
Underpinning this is a false narrative claiming that “Westerners have it easy and it’s unjust, there must be an end to white privilege!” It’s as if the West was magically and somewhat unfairly created out of thin air! Yet never does anyone dare to say the immigrants could always do what generations of Westerners did – fight, work hard and make sacrifices to overcome adversity and build a better life for their future generations. And let’s remember (as if it’s possible to forget), governments and the media insist all races are equal. But hey, mustn’t say such things as they’re racist and oppressive to immigrants.
Let’s look at this “only looking for a better life” shtick from a couple of different angles.
Doting German parents Hans and Ingrid can only afford to shop in budget supermarkets but they want a better life for their kids and want to feed them the best quality food their developing bodies need and deserve. The cash-strapped parents, who work hard and pay their taxes, see immigrants are allowed to break the law because they just want a better life, so the couple decide to go into the best stores and help themselves to the finest foods. Now THEIR kids can have a better life too!
All-American guy Bob has a low-paid job and drives a small, cheap second-hand car. It’s slow and keeps breaking down. Bob decides a brand new car would give him the better quality of life he deserves so he simply drives down to the nearest showroom and helps himself to one. After all, illegal immigrants who pour over the border looking for a better life are given amnesty so why shouldn’t he be?
Newly-wed twenty-somethings Jaden and Precious Serenity decide the rent for their tiny one-bedroom apartment is making their lives a misery. Once they’ve paid it along with their taxes they don’t have much money left so their quality of life is non-existent. Life is really hard, they struggle to make ends meet and they feel like slaves! Frustrated and unable to go on living under such unfair and unjust circumstances, they spot a ten-bedroom mansion in the posh part of town and decide they can live there without having to pay rent or a mortgage. As it’s owned by a small family of four, there’s plenty of room and besides, the young couple believe they have a right to a better quality of life just like immigrants do. No one wants to be a slave! It’s oppression!
Of course, these scenarios are completely ridiculous because only immigrants are allowed to break the law because they want a better life.
This canard is predictably rolled out by corrupt, failed, West-hating global organizations The United Nations and The European Union along with anti-West Marxist charities such as Amnesty International.
These charlatans conveniently ignore the fact that the majority of immigrants are not refugees fleeing war zones and are therefore economic migrants. Furthermore, many of those who have fled the conflict in Syria subsequently leave safe countries such as Greece, Turkey and France to claim their share of the free bounty on offer in welfare states such as Great Britain, Germany and Sweden.
The claim that governments have a duty to help ANY aliens no matter what the circumstances is completely bogus. Let’s get something quite clear: the only duty a government has to its people is to keep them safe from tyranny and violence. In return, the people pay the government taxes. By refusing to protect borders, Western governments are placing their people in danger and are therefore in breach of the social contract. A government doesn’t have any duty whatsoever to aliens because they’re not citizens and it certainly has no duty to open up its borders to them. That scores of these invaders then go on to commit serious crimes including murder and rape should raise a red flag and force governments to enforce borders and protect their people.
What’s absolutely despicable is Western governments and their lickspittle lackeys in the media knowingly cover-up thesecrimes to deceive their people. I assert: such cover-ups are acts of treason and to see the shocking extent of this criminal betrayal in Sweden, just watch this video.
To add insult to injury, Western governments then use taxpayers’ money to pay for generous welfare gifted to immigrants. Once again, this is a breach of the social contract. Law-abiding citizens do not pay taxes for governments to re-distribute it for the benefit of aliens. Yet, in the once mighty West, taxpayers are being forced to pay for failed countries through the scam of foreign aid and also, for the surplus populations of third world nations who are invading THEIR nations. Governments are not human rights charities, they exist to serve and protect their own people. At least they should.
Does this mean Western governments should turn a blind eye to the suffering of people around the world? Of course not! The real help that should be given is through the international community who should force rogue governments in the Middle East and Africa to uphold human rights so ALL of the people living there can enjoy better lives, not just the strongest who manage to flee. This won’t happen though. It’d be deemed as imperial racism.
This is a blatant lie. Many British and European people can trace back their origins over thousands of years. With countries like the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, these countries were SETTLED by the British and Europeans. No nations existed in those regions beforehand.
Even if this claim were true, there would be a serious unjust flaw. Because the accusation is only aimed at white people as if they were the only people who conquered other lands. Not so. Once Christian Turkey was conquered by Muslim invaders. The Arabian Peninsula was conquered by the sword into Dar al-Islam and the same fate befell North African nations – Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.
Perhaps the worst hypocrisy of those who accuse the West of this “crime” applies to former colonial nations in Africa. Liberals and leftists assert the lands of South Africa and Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) were “stolen” by whites and had to be returned to the “indigenous black peoples” because it was their land. This, again, simply isn’t true. The black tribes that are now living in these countries are not indigenous, they are Bantu tribes who migrated south from central Africa into the lands of the indigenous Khoisan people. Maybe the Bantu tribes just wanted a better life? What a crying shame for the Khoisan people who were subsequently wiped out by the invaders. There’s a lesson from history here but it must be ignored as it’s an inconvenient truth. Not to mention racist obviously.
It’s strange but liberals and leftists never dare to say to these Bantu tribes: “We’re all immigrants so the land rightfully belongs to the whites as much as it does to the blacks.” And just imagine saying this to Turkey or Saudi Arabia and demand they take in thousands of immigrants from Africa. This will never happen of course because the “we’re all immigrants” brickbat only applies to the West. What was that about racism again?
This is possibly the most lame excuse of all. The amount of space in a nation isn’t relevant. Africa has far more space as do Russia and China. So if space is the issue, all of the immigrants should go to those lands instead. Of greater importance are the resources in a country. These resources are not free, they are paid for by taxpayers! I’m talking about critically important resources such as roads, schools, hospitals, welfare – unemployment benefit, child allowances, housing. More immigrants means more competition for these resources.
The problem is these immigrants have paid absolutely nothing into the pot – and most never will. It’s simply unsustainable. The madness is even more obvious when you remember the people of Britain and Europe are currently under austerity imposed by the European Union after the financial crash of 2008. Just as happened in the United States, British and European taxpayers were put on the hook for failed, corrupt financial corporations. As the immigration crisis continues, now they’re on the hook for a tsunami of aliens who believe they have a right to claim as much as they can. I assert: this is an immoral abuse of Western taxpayers who are being made to pay for the failures of their own incompetent, profligate governments; criminally irresponsible banksters and corrupt foreign governments who couldn’t give a fig for the human rights of their own people.
This is the biggest load of emotionally retarded, sentimental hogwash bleeding-heart liberals and anti-Western leftists will spew out to justify the invasion of the West. For a start, all human beings are not the same, not between races or within races.
Whilst it may be true that all humans do bleed red when cut, it doesn’t mean their blood is the same. You can’t just take blood from one person and put it into another without establishing the blood groups. There are clear differences between races and the only duty each race has is to its own. Other non-white races feel no duty to other races, especially towards the white race. But somehow, the people of the West are deemed to be responsible for aliens. Let’s remember, socialists were adamant that colonialism in Africa had to end because the Africans are not the “white man’s burden”. But when it comes to immigration, surprise, surprise, this no longer applies.
Just because rogue regimes in Africa and the Middle East violate the human rights of their peoples with impunity doesn’t mean the West has a duty to step in and uphold them. As I stated above, the solution is for the international community to unite against such brutal regimes.
This is not a new solution. Both South Africa and Rhodesia faced the wrath of the international community and were forced to end apartheid and hand over the countries to majority black rule. Serbia was another country forced to bend to the will of the international community when it was falsely and quite diabolically blamed for the civil war that occurred during the break-up of the former Yugoslavia.
So let’s see the international community apply the same pressure on countries who violate human rights such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya, Pakistan, Iran – oh, wait a minute, there’s no way that will happen so the peoples of the West have to pick up the bill and deal with the consequences. Not least of all the invasion and subsequent transformation of their nations.
If the Left’s claim that all people are the same is true, why is it many African and Islamic states continually fail to create the same advanced, civilized, free societies that the peoples of the West have?
Here’s a key point: forcing one race of people to be responsible for other races IS NOT equality!
Unless the West loses these childish, guilt-ridden, pity-driven attitudes towards immigrants and focuses on imposing human rights in the backwards unstable hell holes of Africa and the Middle East then the horrors in those lands will continue and so will the hordes of immigrants flocking to the West seeking a better life. Such strong action to fight for human rights would involve the international community tackling the cancer of Islam and at the moment, there isn’t the courage or the will to even begin considering that.