Only days ago, in response to complaints from HonestReporting and its subscribers, the Daily Mail’s Mail Online site amended a headline that turned Palestinian attackers into the victims and instead portrayed Israelis as the party at fault.
You’d think that lessons may have been learned. Think again.
Here’s Mail Online’s latest headline:
Jerusalem’s streets are certainly not running red with the blood of Palestinians. What is happening is a spate of Palestinian attacks against Israelis that have ended with Israeli security forces defending themselves and the civilians around them. This latest headline once again portrays the perpetrators as the victims.
That fewer Israelis have died in these attacks does not automatically mean that the side with the higher body count is the victim. If anything, the number of Palestinians who have died in this wave of violence initiated by themselves is indicative of the number of attacks and incidents of violence that Palestinians have been involved in over the past few months.
The Mail Online’s headline is shocking in its sensationalism and the way that Israelis have yet again been falsely painted as the aggressors.
Send your considered comments to Mail Online and ask that this appalling headline is changed – [email protected]