Will Obama Remain in Office After Democrats Are Defeated in November 2016?

What could be after the 2016 election: A look into the future.

(Satire: conservativepapers.com)

President Obama vows to block ‘the counter-revolutionary right’ after over 100,000 Democratic protesters signed a online Whitehouse petition to not allow a White Racist Republican into the Oval Office. Weeks after the election and the massive lose by Hillary Clinton leftist protesters have gone to the streets in mass rioting and looting demanding Obama remain in office.

A defiant President Barack Hussein Obama said he would not give even a quarter of the Oval office to the Republican ‘opposition’ in spite of his Democratic party’s crushing defeat in November 2016 election against Hillary Clinton.

Obama vowed to block “the counter-revolutionary right” from taking over the country. “We won’t let it happen,” Obama said. Obama vowed to not allow racist and bigots to run the country he said defiantly as a room filled with over 5,000 Democrats cheered him on in support.

Obama said the election was illegal due to the Republican not being fit to run office with their illegal anti-Muslim views and radical ideology, Obama said he must do the right thing and block them from taking power.

Obama’s outburst came as electoral authorities gave final confirmation that the Republican candidate has won the election and defeated Hilary Clinton, Obama was expected to leave office January 21 2017 but so far has refused saying the election in 2016 was illegal. The Republican nominee is quickly moving to nominate and replace Obama’s staff and potentially move to replace him by forcing him out of office.

With the new president was suppose to be sworn in January, the Republicans will push quickly for the release of some of its own leaders who have been jailed by Mr Obama for allegedly speaking illegally against Islam. 16 Republicans were convicted in August 2016 for speaking against Islam and inciting violence and murder stemming from anti-government protests by speaking negatively about Obama.

Mr Obama, was elected to a second term to the presidency prevailing over Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. Obama held a speech on the edge of a slum in Detroit that once was filled with loyal “Democrats” but where support for the socialist Hillary Clinton has also seeped away due to massive unemployment and terrorist attacks due to Democratic policies under Obama.

Republican leaders, who will face their own problems maintaining unity and delivering on the message of hope offered on the trail as trust in government is at an all time low of just 19%. Republicans insisted that the government acknowledges the will of the voters and begin urgently to try and remove Obama from office.

“We’re just a few weeks away from a very serious problem,” Republican president elect said in a news conference. “We urge Obama to do the right thing and step down.”

The Obama government seems instead to be digging in, a stance that could spell a period of political struggle and inaction. To shore up the leftist “revolution”, the Obama government has already moved to force the conservative Supreme Court justices to resign so that Mr Obama can appoint new ones whose terms will extend for their lifetime.

As part of Obama’s propaganda burst the government tweeted images of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin and told conservatives to “stop whining”. When conservatives appeared to protest Obama on Tuesday, Mr Obama blurted “viva Lenin” and “Allahu Akbar” to them in defiance.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei announced last night he supports Obama’s decision to remain in office and said the Iranians stand behind him.


Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

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