Last year, at the beginning of the Gaza conflict, we posted an image of Golda Meir with the most famous quotation attributed to her: “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
With all the evidence of Palestinian indoctrination of children to hate Israelis, we felt that her message was as timely as ever. After all, both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority regularly use their own media to glorify acts of terrorism. Last year this contributed to an all-out war while this year, we see almost daily attacks on innocent Jewish men, women, and children, often times by young Palestinians.
Quite a few of these acts have resulted in the deaths of the attackers by Israelis defending themselves. When interviewed, the parents of many of these would-be killers have expressed pride that their children died while trying to kill Jews.
So doesn’t it seem reasonable to assert that the Palestinian hatred of Jews may be stronger than the love of even their own children?
So we were shocked when we received a message from Facebook that said our picture of Golda had been removed because it violated Facebook’s community standards.
Yes, that’s right. According to Facebook, our picture of Golda Meir would lead to a “genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety.”
Of course, a quick Facebook search finds that the group “Death to America and Israel” is still very much alive, posting all sorts of garbage.
Here are some of the appalling images on that site that FACEBOOK HAS NOT AT THIS TIME REMOVED:
But no, it is this simple, clear message from Golda Meir that has forced Facebook to say “enough is enough.”
We could ask you to write to Facebook, but what will likely get their attention even more is if everyone reading this posts the image themselves.
And after all, what she is attributed as saying still rings true.
Peace will come when they love their children more than they hate us.
Featured image: CC BY Ein HaShofet Archive via PikiWiki with modifications by HonestReporting