Obama wants to create a Palestinian State at all cost, even if it causes the destruction of Israel

The Jewish Homeland is surrounded by 22 Muslim Tyrannies. Why do they need a 23rd one? Obama says that the Palestinians deserve a State of their own but how about the Jews? What if the Palestinian State endangers the only Jewish State?    Suppose that in the future the Yazidi managed to return to their home villages and to create a state to protect themselves from Islamic aggression. Jews have been persecuted and expelled from most Middle East Countries and they managed to find refuge in Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey. Jimena.org reported that since 1948, 850,000 Jews have been expelled from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia,Yemen and other Middle East Countries. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish People and the only safe heaven for Jewish Refugees in the Middle East.”

Obama says that the Palestinians deserve a State of their own but how about the Jews? What if the Palestinian State endangers the only Jewish State?

by Ezequiel Doiny

On November 2014 Umberto Bacci reported in the International Business Times that “Thousands of women and young girls from the (Yazidi) Iraqi tribe were abducted and forced into slavery by the extremist militants after they stormed into villages in northern Sinjar region.

In video footage uploaded on YouTube, several Islamist fighters are seen as they negotiate the purchase of girls as young as 15 in exchange for money or guns.

“Today is the slave market day,” a man is heard saying, according to a translation by Middle Eastern television channel Al Aan TV.

“Today is the day of slaves and we should have our share,” another one says. “Where is my Yazidi girl?” he repeatedly asks, looking into the camera with a grin.

As potential seller comes forward, saying he has a slave girl to give away, fighters starts discussing terms of transaction, offering three to five “banknotes” – each believed to be worth $100 (£63) and other values.

“The price differs if she has blue eyes,” one says.

“I will sell her for a Glock [pistol],” the seller replies.

“If she is 15 years old, I have to check her, check her teeth,” another man says.

According to Al Aan TV, the video was shot somewhere in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, which was seized by Isis in June.

The video could not be independently verified, however Isis militants have admitted to enslaving and selling Yazidi women, claiming the horrifying trade is justifiable on religious grounds…

An article in the last issue of English language Dabiq magazine – the militants’ propaganda tool – Isis said that Yazidi women and children captured during the military offensive in Sinjar were divided among fighters “according to sharia law”.

The militants were then free to sell their slaves onto others. Thousands are reported to have been locked up in brothels in Iraq and Syria and forced into sex slavery.”


Like the Yazidi, native Jews have also been persecuted and enslaved by Islamists. In “The Muslim Colonists” originally published in Gatestone Institute I write “Until the late 1800s entire ancient Jewish communities had to flee Palestine to escape the brutality of Muslim authorities. As Egyptian historian Bat Ye’or writes in her book, The Dhimmi:

“The Jizya was paid in a humiliating public ceremony in which the non-Muslim while paying was struck in the head. If these taxes were not paid women and children were reduced to slavery, men were imprisoned and tortured until a ransom was paid for them. The Jewish communities in many cities under Muslim Rule was ruined for such demands. This custom of legalized financial abuses and extortion shattered the indigenous pre-Arab populations almost totally eliminating what remained of its peasantry… In 1849 the Jews of Tiberias envisaged exile because of the brutality, exactions, and injustice of the Muslim authorities. In addition to ordinary taxes, an Arab Sheik that ruled Hebron demanded that Jews pay an extra five thousand piastres annually for the protections of their lives and property. The Sheik threatened to attack and expel them from Hebron if it was not paid.”

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The Muslim rulers not only kept the number of Jews low through discriminatory taxes, they also increased the Muslim population by providing incentives for Muslim colonists to settle in the area. Incentives included free land, 12 years exemption from taxes and exemption from military service.

Bat Ye’or continues:

“By the early 1800s the Arab population in Palestine was very little (just 246,000) it was in the late 1800s and early 1900s that most Muslim Colonists settled in Palestine because of incentives by the Ottoman Government to resettle displaced Muslim populations because of events such as the Austro-Hungarian Occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Crimean War and World War 1. Those events created a great quantity of Muslim Refugees that were resettled somewhere else in the Ottoman Empire… In 1878 an Ottoman law granted lands in Palestine to Muslim colonists. Muslim colonists from Crimea and the Balkans settled in Anatolia, Armenia, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.”


Suppose that in the future, after being decapitated, sold as slaves and raped, the Yazidi managed to return to their home villages and to create a state to protect themselves from Islamic aggression. Jews have been persecuted and expelled from most Middle East Countries and they managed to find refuge in Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey. Jimena.org reported that since 1948, 850,000 Jews have been expelled from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia,Yemen and other Middle East Countries. Israel is not “Occupied Palestinian Land”. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish People and the only safe heaven for Jewish Refugees in the Middle East.

The Jewish Homeland is surrounded by 22 Muslim dysfunctional Tyrannies. Why do they need a 23rd one?

On November 30, 2015 Aaron David Miller. vice president at the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, wrote in the Wall Street Journal “Henry Kissinger recently asked an intriguing and politically incorrect question: With the state structure weakened in several Arab states and having collapsed in others, with Iran and Islamic State rising, and amid general instability in the Arab world, why create another potentially weak, dysfunctional Arab state in Palestine?

A decade or so ago, when I was a Middle East negotiator, even posing such a question would have been considered a hostile act among peace advocates or, worse, would have been seen as shilling for Israeli right-wingers and neoconservatives.

But amid so much disorder in the Middle East, it’s worth pondering–even if there are several reasons to be cautious or openly skeptical about the prospects:

Negative trend lines: In the Arab world, several states are melting down (Syria, Libya, Yemen); polities are run by authoritarian kings, emirs, or generals (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar); and a few, such as Tunisia, are struggling to reform. The region will be unstable for years to come, thanks to widespread dysfunction and/or plain bad governance, lack of respect for human rights, systemic corruption, and the absence representative institutions…

Fractious Palestinian politics: The Palestinian national movement resembles Noah’s ark: There are two of everything, split between Fatah and Hamas. That includes two statelets in part of the West Bank and Gaza, two constitutions, two sets of security services, and two visions of where Palestine is and what kind of state it should be. A stable state would require Hamas and Fatah not only to resolve these different visions but also to share power and accommodate those differences in a political system driven by dialogue, not violence. Even under the best circumstances, it’s hard to picture Hamas’s Islamist vision of Palestine reconciled with Fatah’s more nationalist bent, particularly with Fatah’s internal divisions. And there is little in the history of the Palestinian national movement or the Palestinian Authority’s governance style to suggest anything but disruptive politics, much less a smooth transition to functional statehood.

Lack of leadership: The quest and hope for a Palestinian Mandela or Sadat is understandable–if a Western fantasy –given the leaders the Palestinian national movement has had. Yasser Arafat was and Mahmoud Abbas is a skilled politician; each, in his own way, is a product of and well-suited to his time. But neither has possessed both the incentive and the power to unite the Palestinian movement, rise above its self-destructive tendencies, and lead the Palestinian people to some version of their own promised land. Should such a leader emerge, it could make all the difference. At 80, Mr. Abbas has not groomed a successor, nor is one on the horizon. His death or incapacitation could easily create a power vacuum that would make the political situation even more unstable…

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Mr. Kissinger raised his question at an event marking the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. It’s possible that a Palestinian state would be different–and set a new trend for good governance and stability in the Arab world. We can always hope. But the reality of the Middle East these days makes going with probabilities, rather than possibilities, a safer bet.”


In 2013 NBC news reported “In a televised speech at the Jerusalem Convention Center, Obama said there should be “two states for two peoples.” …The United States is deeply committed to the creation of an independent and sovereign state of Palestine,” he said, adding, “Simply, Palestinians deserve a state of their own.”


Obama needs to explain:

  1. Why Obama says “Simply, Palestinians deserve a state of their own.” but never said “Simply, Tibetans deserve a state of their own.”
  2. Jordan was also part of British Mandate Palestine. If Obama says the Palestinians deserve to have a state of their own, why does he not demand Jordanian land also?
  3. Obama says he supports two states for two peoples yet he refuses the call Israel the Jewish State and does not oppose Abbas when he demands (besides a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza) the right of return for millions of Palestinian refugees that would cause Israel’s destruction.
  4. Obama says that the Palestinians deserve a State of their own but what if the creation of that state endangers Israel’s existence? According to Obama, the Palestinians deserve a state of their own, and how about the Jews? What happened in Gaza cannot be ignored. After Israel withdrew from Gaza, Hamas took over and started attacking Israel with missiles. If a Palestinian State is created in the West Bank it will attack Israel from the West Bank as it does from Gaza. The creation of a Palestinian State in the West Bank will bring war, it will make the situation much worse not better.

Abbas rejects the two state solution. Lt. Col. (ret) Jonathan Halevi explained in the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs that Abbas supports a phased plan for Israel’s destruction “…Beneath the moderate guise that Abbas tries to project is a Palestinian leader who unreservedly supports terror and demands to implement what the Palestinians call the “right of return.”

…What the Palestinians mean by “right of return” according to Resolution 194 and the Arab Peace Initiative is simple enough and was ratified as an official law by the Palestinian parliament with Abbas’s approval.

According to the 2008 Law of the Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees:

“The right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes and property, while receiving compensation for their suffering, is an inalienable and enshrined right that cannot be compromised, replaced, reconsidered, interpreted otherwise, or subjected to a referendum.

The right of return is natural, personal, collective, civil, political, passed on from father to son; it is not nullified by the passage of time or by the signing of any agreement and it cannot be abolished or waived in any way.

The Palestinian refugees shall not be resettled or displaced as an alternative to the right of return.

Anyone who violates the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of the crime of treason and will be subject to all criminal and civil penalties prescribed for this crime.

Anything that contradicts this law is considered null and void, and any legislation or agreement that will derogate from the right of return or contradict the provisions of this Act shall be deemed null and void.”

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In other words, even after an Israeli withdrawal to 1967 borders and the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state, the conflict will remain unchanged and Palestine will demand the “return” to Israel of the millions of refugees and their descendants. The Palestinian demand for “return” entails the transfer of millions of Jews from their homes and the end of the state of Israel…”

Despite Abbas rejection of the two state solution and his commitment to the destruction of Israel, Obama blames Israel for the failure of negotiations and threatened to abandon Israel in the UNSC. On March 2015 Newsmax reported that “The White House on Wednesday suggested it could reverse its decades-old policy of using its veto in the United Nations Security Council to protect Israel. It could refuse to veto resolutions related to the Palestinians or introduce a measure of its own, The Wall Street Journal reported. The U.S. could also lend its support to a two-state solution based on Israel’s 1967 borders, a senior White House official told The New York Times.”


Obama is in a rush to pass a UNSC resolution imposing a timetable for an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank before his time in office ends. He knows that the next administration will not be willing to concede this to the Palestinians without taking into consideration Israel’s security needs.

To justify the UNSC resolution, Obama needs to create a sense of urgency. Abbas is escalating the violence through stabbing attacks to create the sense of urgency that Obama needs. Abbas wants to provoke an Israeli reaction which Obama can use as an excuse to justify the anti-Israel UNSC resolution.

The Palestinian Media Watch translated an interview by one of Hamas founders Mahmoud al-Zahar to the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam in which he said “transfer what it has [in Gaza] or just a small part of it to the West Bank, we would be able to settle the battle of the final promise [to destroy Israel] with a speed that no one can imagine…[Some] have said Hamas wants to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza. We won’t do that, but we will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine…”

Those who advocate for a solution in the UNSC cannot ignore that what happened in Gaza can also happen in the West Bank. After Israel withdrew from Gaza, Hamas took power and started missile attack against Israel.

If a Palestinian State is created in the West Bank Hamas will attack Israel with missiles from the West Bank as it does from Gaza. Imposing a solution in the UNSC will make the situation much worse, it will make life in Israel impossible and lead to war. Only those that do not care for the safety of Israel’s citizens would advocate for this.

Demanding an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank will make the situation far worse not better. The “Two State Solution” is not the only option. There is a much better and honest option which is to recognize that the Palestinians already have a State in Jordan. Since the US/EU claim the Arab-Israeli conflict can be solved though a UNSC resolution why not submit one declaring that Jordan is Palestine?

Most of the Jordanian population is Palestinian, the previous King said “Jordan is Palestine, Palestine is Jordan”. The Queen of Jordan Rania Al-Yassin was born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents Faisal Sedki Al Yassin and Ilham Yassin from Tulkarm, Jordan has a Palestinian Queen, the next King of Jordan will be the son of a Palestinian. If Jordan is recognized as the Palestinian State the Arabs currently living in Israel can continue but they will be Jordanian Citizens.

It is not honest for those who seek a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict to ignore that Jordan was also part of British Mandate Palestine. Jordan must also be part of the solution.

Posted in Freedoms.