Liberals Find Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees

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Andrew and Rae Wartnaby opened their property to Muslim migrants.

A white bleeding-heart leftist couple made headlines when they generously opened their home to a group of Muslim refugees allegedly fleeing devout Muslim militants. However, it didn’t take long for their liberal policies to backfire in a racist and ironic way — and it’s exactly the poetic justice we’ve been warning about all along.

In July, the headline read “Meet the angels who opened their hearts and home to 143 lost strangers,” and the left was drooling over the couple who followed their socialist values to the letter. Andrew and Rae Wartnaby opened up their 50-acre farmland to over 100 Muslim refugees who were reportedly displaced during “xenophobic attacks,” according to News 24.

After escaping Islamic brutality in the Central African Republic, the Muslim migrants traveled to South Africa, where they were again set upon by South African natives in black-on-black attacks. So, the good-natured yet naive white couple welcomed the refugee families to their land, which included Obama’s favored “widows and orphans.”

However, after only a few months of graciously allowing the Muslim migrants to live for free on their property, the loving couple soon found that they would actually be the refugees. The Wartnabys were threatened with slaughter by the same people they were helping escape brutality.

The New Observer reports that the good Samaritans’ tolerance was used by the refugees to chase them from their own farm, which has already been destroyed by the ungrateful migrants.

Last week, the Muslims attacked the Wartnabys home in the wee hours of the morning and warned that they would kill Andrew if the pair didn’t leave the property. They claimed that the white couple was “not helping them to be relocated back home or to another country,” and that it was the pair’s responsibility to provide more money, passports, and transportation.

“I immediately asked if everyone is okay but they kept shouting that tonight was my night and they will kill me. I haven’t slept since then,” Andrew said.

“When we took everyone in, we said we would try and help, which we have. But they feel like it has been too long and we let them down. I have asked that group to leave my farm, but they refuse to and to be honest, I don’t know what is going to happen. All I know is that I don’t want to be murdered tonight.”

The Muslim migrants cut down the fence, smashed the house’s windows, and broke down the doors to drive out the Wartnabys at 2 a.m. The dangerous refugees are still in control of the farm, and the couple remains in hiding, fearing for their lives from the very people they were selflessly helping.

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Much like Europe and North America, South Africa is an attractive, Westernized country that was well-developed with the help of European settlement. Now, the declining nation is being overrun by African migrants seeking to take advantage of the once thriving infrastructure.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants have flooded South Africa, and natives have been unsuccessful in chasing off the demanding, dangerous Muslim invaders.

Time and time again we desperately warn the left that their own agenda will turn on them, and we see this same immigration policy played out on a smaller scale with the Wartnabys.

Muslim migrants are fundamentally different from any other refugees escaping religious brutality and political tyranny. Although they often flee their own ideology’s savagery, they bring the same barbarity wherever they go.

The Islamic Prophet Muhammad perfectly modeled how to use migration and the generosity of others as a stepping stool by which to overtake them. As a refugee to Medina, the messenger quietly built up his followers before slaughtering, converting, exiling, and subjugating the very tribes that welcomed him to their thriving, tolerant city.

The multiculturalism, tolerance, and religious freedom that once prevailed was stripped away by the commands of Allah that require Muslims to fight every ounce of their ability to establish Sharia law and forcibly spread Islam until it is the only religion left.

While it would be easy and perhaps fulfilling to say “I told you so” to this leftist couple, preserving freedom is more important than the ignorant campaigners who are allowing our enemies to destroy it.

The Africans as of writing are now in control of the farm, and the leftist whites, who might or might not have learned their lesson, have fled their farm and are now in hiding.

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