Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright identified himself to the BBC, The Economist and GQ Magazine as the inventor of the Bitcoin currency, under the alias name Satoshi Nakamoto.
In order to prove he is the legitimate creator, Wright must provide technical proof to back up his claim using coins known to be owned by Bitcoin’s creator.
Manny Rosenfeld, chairman of the Israeli Association of Bitcoin said, “The exposure of Dr. Craig Wright as the man behind the name Satoshi Nakamoto is indeed an exciting moment for everyone who deals with the enormous financial revolution of the digital currency Bitcoin.”
However, Rosenfeld said, “It is important to note that the proof of identity can be done in a simple and public manner, and as of now we have not seen such evidence shown publicly. In fact, we rely on media reports, for they have been shown proof.”
“But until it is shown publicly and will be reviewed in depth by a community of developers, it cannot be determined with certainty. Blockchain and Bitcoin already passed the stage where they need to promote their technology forward.”
“Blockchain has been going on a strong enabling a variety of applications worldwide, applications that will multiply by the dozens in the coming years. I believe that Satoshi Nakamoto, and the man behind the name, will be remembered for many years in line with Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the pioneers of the modern wed as the people responsible for one of the greatest revolutions in human history.”
Source material can be found at this site.