With the November election fast approaching, Donald Trump is not the only person who stands in the way of Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency. Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have appeared to be one of the biggest threats to Hillary Clinton, and she knows it.
It was reported that Julian Assange survived a assassination attempt when an assassin plot was at the foiled Ecuadorian Embassy Break-in. The following day it was reported that Assange’s lawyer, John Jones was murdered in his London home. Jones has one of Julian’s most trusted confidants, and he was believed to have a copy of the documents on Hillary Clinton that disappeared after his assassination.
The entire situation is anything but coincidental. It is not a coincidence that Julian Assange had a potential burglar at 2am try to break into his home, and his lawyer was murdered one week before. That is a clear pattern, and one can guess who may be behind this.
This is not a conspiracy theory, the dots are easily connectable. Julian Assange is a highly wanted man and many would love to get a hold of him before he releases the emails and documents on Hillary Clinton.
According to the police report, Jones was struck by a train, but authorities indicate that there was a suspicious man talking with Jones that night. Eye-witnesses indicated that they saw two men talking that night by the train tracks and then after the accident, the second man went missing.
London authorities said that his was a suicide, they never recorded the information about the second man at the scene talking to Jones, and they said there was nothing suspicious about the case. Why is it that people that stand in Clinton’s way continue to end up dead or they “commit suicide?” These assertions just don’t add up.
Julian Assange does not believe this was a suicide attempt at all. He immediately tweeted the following after he heard about his lawyers death.

The fact of the matter is that people continue to die that stand in Hillary Clinton’s way. It was assumed that Assange’s lawyer also had incriminating evidence on Hillary, so it is highly possible that he was murdered for that reason.
By all indications, Jones had everything to live for. He was only 48 years old, a successful, well-regarded attorney who lived in a $1.5 million home in London, with his beautiful and accomplished wife, 40-year-old Dr. Misa Zgonec-Rozej, director of an international law consultancy, and their two young children.
Jones, while working alongside Assange, planned to release an “October Surprise” leak of Hillary Clinton’s emails, and it quite possibly cost Jones his life. It purportedly contains information that will definitively put her behind bars. That alone is enough reason for someone to want to kill Assange and anyone associated with him that may also possess the information.
Speaking via video-link at a Wikileaks anniversary event, Assange burst the bubble of thousands of viewers who listened in hoping for a bombshell “October Surprise” that would hurt Clinton. He told an expecting worldwide audience that “there’s enormous expectation in the United States… some of that expectation will be partly answered. But you understand that if we’re going to make a major publication in the United States at a particular hour, we won’t do it at 3am.”
Instead he simply promised leaks on a weekly basis for the next ten weeks – starting in the next few days. He specifically promised that information would relate to the US elections – but did not mention Clinton by name. When asked directly about Clinton, he denied that he or Wikileaks “intend to harm” the Democratic nominee specifically, but insisted his revelations would be “significant” in relation to the election. He said: “There has been a lot of misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications.
Assange noted that no document dumps would happen right away, but rather new releases will come every week up until the US elections.
His life is in danger regardless, if he releases it or doesn’t. There is speculation that Wikileaks staff has been threatened and that is why Assange pulled back abruptly.
He needs to do the right thing by RELEASING ALL INFORMATION! Just sitting on it makes him complicit to clinton’s crimes! The entire WORLD is in danger with clinton in the white house. Be brave, Mr. Assange! Put these criminal scum in prison. The right people in the right places will give you all the protection you’ll ever need.