Mark Levin called out Obama on his destruction of America:
“Barack Obama will go down in history as the first African-American president, and he has no accomplishments.“In fact, he’s got one destructive policy after another, one outrageous speech after another.
“He leaves increased unemployment, true unemployment, not the government’s propaganda.
“He leaves increased racial tension of the sort I’ve never seen in my life.
“He leaves a country economically on its back.
“He leaves our enemies abroad stronger than they could possibly have imagined.
“He’s eviscerated law enforcement; he’s eviscerated our health care system; he’s eviscerated our courts – having appointed 40 percent of the judges.“He’s eviscerated the school lunch program; he’s eviscerated NASA; he’s eviscerated the Justice Department, which now is a left-wing hack political operation.
“He’s eviscerated the Environmental Protection Agency, which isn’t about the environment at all. It’s about destroying our industries.
“He’s eviscerated our immigration system and our border; he’s eviscerated our intelligence community in many respects.
“He’s eviscerated our trust by our allies – including the state of Israel.“Obama has been a one-man wrecking ball. That’s what I’ve called him for eight years, and I’m actually wrong.
“There’s a lot of wrecking balls in this, including the Democrat Party, the media, academia and these clowns in Hollywood.
“Oh, and yes, he’s done enormous damage to our constitutional system, and you really do have to wonder if it can be repaired based on what you hear today from both parties.”
Source material can be found at this site.