The Showdown Over Sanctuary Cities

In the 1940s, Jan Ting’s parents faced a difficult path to American citizenship following a U.S. immigration ban on Chinese workers that lasted 61 years.

Today, Ting is a law professor at Temple University—after serving as a top immigration official under President George H.W. Bush. Ting is also a strong opponent of sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation. That includes Philadelphia, where Temple University is located.

“I think that it is wrong, I think it endangers public safety, I think it endangers our law enforcement officers, and it’s just short-sighted,” he says.

This week on “Full Measure,” we examine the debate over sanctuary cities, which face a loss of federal funding following President Donald Trump’s directive Wednesday. Watch the story to learn more about what’s at stake.

Source material can be found at this site.

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