Ted Cruz: John Bolton is the PERFECT man for national security adviser

By: Jordan Schachtel | February 17, 2017

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) has called on President Donald Trump to pick former ambassador John Bolton as his next national security advisor.

Lt. Gen Michael Flynn resigned from the position on Monday amidst reports he misled Vice President Mike Pence about conversations he held with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

During an interview on “CNN Newsroom” Friday afternoon, Sen. Cruz said Bolton was the best man for the job.

“Who I think would be very, very strong is John Bolton,” Cruz told CNN’s Manu Raju.

“John is someone who is very well known here on the Hill. Republicans and Democrats know John Bolton well. He is someone who understands the world. He understands the threats of radical Islamic terrorism. He understands the threats of an overaggressive [Vladimir] Putin,” Cruz said.

“At the same time, [Bolton] understands that we should be reluctant to use military force — that we should do so only when absolutely necessary,” Sen. Cruz added.

Bolton was seen as a potential dark-horse candidate to fill the secretary of state slot in the Trump administration before the president ultimately chose Rex Tillerson for the job.

John Bolton is a veteran of the Reagan administration and both Bush White Houses. Bolton once served as the acting U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and has also served extensively in several leadership positions within the State Department and the Department of Justice.

A foreign policy expert, Bolton is a prominent voice against the ruthless Iranian regime. He is also a strong advocate for the strengthening of ties with America’s traditional allies, such as Israel. Bolton dismisses the long-held foreign policy establishment approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict, seeing the proposed two-state solution to the issue as a failed delusion. He has recently called for President Trump to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Jordan Schachtel is the national security correspondent for CR. Follow him on Twitter @JordanSchachtel

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