By John Lillpop
Pine Grove CA
Sadig Khan, London’s Muslim Mayor, was heavily criticized in the past for arguing that “terrorism is now part and parcel” of living in a large, metropolis city like London. His comment was widely, and correctly, seen as dismissive of the severity of the chaos and mayhem which has seen London become a prime target of terrorists in their war against the 21st century and western civilization.
The recent surge in terrorist incidents in London has rekindled public interest in Khan’s seemingly dismissive attitude, particularly in light of the latest attack which claimed an additional seven innocent lives on Saturday.
About which Mayor Khan commented:
“This was a deliberate and cowardly attack on innocent Londoners and visitors to our city enjoying their Saturday night,” Khan said. “I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. There is no justification whatsoever for such barbaric acts.”
He continued: “I am in close contact with the Met Commissioner and senior officers and am being kept updated on all developments. I will be attending the government’s emergency Cobra meeting later this morning.
The situation is still unfolding and I would ask all Londoners and visitors to our city to remain calm and vigilant.”
With all due respect, Mayor Khan, we wonder if these repeated attacks on London and her innocent patrons fall within the “Part and parcel” of living in a big city as you previously stated?
Furthermore, what should London patrons do to protect and defend themselves and families from murderous Islamic thugs?
Stay home Saturday nights?
Convert to Islam?
Move to America?
Perhaps the British government consider a travel ban and other defenses similar to those proposed by US President Donald Trump?
In all honesty, Mr. Mayor, as dead corpses increasingly clutter the streets of London, passively accepting the carnage as “Part and Parcel”of living in the “Greatest city in the World” is increasingly foolish and unacceptable!