Eighth Anniversary of The Conservative Papers

Today marks the eighth anniversary of the first published post of The Conservative Papers appearing on the web.

Eight years ago on the seventh day of the seventh month of 2009 (July 7th), The Conservative Papers came to fruition. With almost 12,500 posts along with a growing library of content, we are increasingly expanding our presence on the Internet and social networks.

We originally created this website and community because Obama had just taken office and the freedoms we enjoy were slowly eroding.  We had hoped that Obama would have either been voted out of office or impeached for his many transgressions and crimes. However, that was not the case, and Obama enjoyed two terms.  We found that we had to fight harder than ever to make the public aware of Obama’s socialist agenda.

Today we face a growing threat of dwindling freedoms and expanding government control.  While we did not get a conservative as President that could immediately reverse these trends, at least Clinton was not elected.  We can all hope that President Trump honors the promises he made and enacts a bold conservative agenda to set the nation on the right path and on the road to recovery.

Together we can spread the ideas and values of conservatism of the US Constitution in order to preserve this great republic that we all hold dear.

Please encourage your fellow Americans to write to their Representatives and Senators so we can restore our country to its once glorious and proud position as a beacon of hope and freedom for all.

In Case You Missed It:  What Trump must do to stop World War Three

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers, writers, and to those who have contributed their thoughts and comments in helping us to achieve this anniversary. As usual, we welcome your suggestions and ideas on how we can continue to bring the content you enjoy most.

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