American politics has become so toxic, so corrupt and so single-mindedly partisan on the part of the Democrats, as to border on treason

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a Pakistani Islamist militant held by the United States at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp under terrorism-related charges. He was named as “the principal architect of 9/11 terrorist attacks.
It’s outrageous that the Democrats are attempting to enlist the assistance of Khalid Sheik Mohammed to attempt to block the confirmation of Gina Haspel, a 30-year career CIA agent, as Director of the CIA. It’s even more outrageous that the Senate Intelligence Committee would consider a submission by the mastermind of the 9/11 outrage that resulted in the death of 3,000+ Americans.
Mohammed has asked a military judge at the Guantanamo Bay military prison yesterday to forward an attachment containing “six specific paragraphs of information” that supposedly details Haspel’s wrongdoing for inclusion in the Senate Committee’s considerations. One can only guess who encouraged Mohammed to write these paragraphs and try to send them to Washington.
Allowing Khalid Sheik Mohammed to submit his thoughts about Haspel to the Senate Intelligence Committee is akin to allowing Heinrich Himmler to pick the judge at the Nuremberg Trials.
Informed readers will recall that Khalid Sheik Mohammed is the mastermind behind the attacks against the United States that took place on September 11, 2001 and resulted in more American deaths than the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. It also caused substantially more economic damage and its results are felt to this day, as anyone wishing to board an aircraft anywhere in the free world will attest.
Mohammed was captured in 2003 and was detained at several CIA-sponsored ‘black-ops’ sites in Afghanistan and Poland before being incarcerated at Guantanamo. There’s no dispute that he was subjected to so-called ‘enhanced interrogation’ that included, among other things, sleep deprivation, rectal hydration (also known as enemas) and 183 instances of waterboarding.
Eventually Mohammed cracked and spilled the beans, detailing how the plan was conceived and executed.
It’s mind boggling that the Democrats would stoop to this level of collusion with one of America’s most intransigent and evil enemies in their fruitless efforts to stop the success of President Trump.
Four of the Democrats on the Committee have asked Daniel Coats, the current Director of National Intelligence to declassify how, when and to what extent Haspel was involved in the interrogation of Mohammed. These are Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR). Two of these senators, Heinrich and Wyden could rightly be excused for being ignorant of the circumstances surrounding Mohammed’s interrogation and incarceration, as neither served in the Senate at the time these events transpired.
However, both Senators Feinstein and Wyden* are more than just a tad disingenuous, as both were in the Senate on 9/11. And let us not forget that Flight 93, which was brought down by its passengers and crashed in a Pennsylvania field, was intended to hit either the White House or the Capitol, which could easily have resulted in the death of both senators. In point of fact, Sen. Feinstein, as well as then House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi were made aware by the Bush Administration that enhanced interrogation was taking place. But like all things political, Democrat leaders didn’t seem to have a problem with it, as there was no political upside.
American politics has become so toxic, so corrupt and so single-mindedly partisan on the part of the Democrats, as to border on treason. Allowing Khalid Sheik Mohammed to submit his thoughts about Haspel to the Senate Intelligence Committee is akin to allowing Heinrich Himmler to pick the judge at the Nuremberg Trials. To call this a travesty is an understatement.