75 universities now host blacks-only graduation ceremonies

This month and next dozens of universities across the nation, from private top-tier schools to public state institutions, will host segregated 1960’s like graduation ceremonies and celebrations for their black graduates only.

The popularity in offering these segregated graduations also seems to be growing. A new report by the National Association of Scholars that looked at 173 schools found that 76 of them, or 44 percent, offer such divisional ceremonies.

Other universities offer similar racist divisional ceremonies, some for Latino students..Harvard this year also debuted a “UndocuGraduation” for students in the country illegally.

As for the black graduations, a few notable universities they’re held at include UC San DiegoUC IrvineHarvardStanfordUC BerkeleyUCLAYale and Arizona State University.

Erika Johnson, a spokesperson for UC San Diego, told The College Fix that the Black Resource Center at the university hosts its ceremony.

The National Association of Scholars, in its report, called the separate commencements an example of “neo-segregation” on campus. Other examples include segregated dorms and freshmen orientations. Americans should care about the implications, the report states, because “neo-segregation is the breeding ground of racial conflict in American society.”

“Neo-segregation inculcates in young people the readiness to cling to a victim identity at the expense of becoming a positive member of the larger community,” the report states. “No doubt a large portion of the racial grievance politics we see in society at large these days is the carefully nurtured product of campus neo-segregation.”

When asked by The College Fix for comment on why the university holds a black graduation commencement, Sheri Ledbetter, a spokesperson for UC Irvine, said the university is a “campus that celebrates diversity.”

The time has come to bring down the curtain on neo-segregation the way that the Supreme Court in Brown and the Civil Rights Movement brought down the curtain on the old forms of segregation,” this report states.

Dr. Wood defining neo-segregation as college campuses inviting students of color to separate themselves into distinct groups defined by race and ethnicity. He said he was prompted to embark on the study because of the recent proliferation of racially segregated graduation ceremonies.

The report states these ethnic enclaves stoke racial resentment and support grievance politics on campus that then trickles out into the nation as a whole.

College seniors, regardless of race, should walk the stage together on graduation day’

Two years ago, Harvard University held its own  blacks-only graduation ceremony. The event attracted some adverse publicity, but not enough to persuade Harvard to bury the idea. In a few weeks, Harvard will hold its third such segregated racist commencement yet again.

diversity” is now invested with meanings that have nothing to do with actual diversity. After Justice Lewis Powell’s 1978 ruling in Bakke v. University of California, Davis, “diversity” became an amorphous first-resort argument that progressive writers and college administrators use to justify segregated initiatives.

University of Georgia’s Irami Osei-Frimpong, who recently declared that “some white people may have to die” for blacks to attain equality, is one example of where neo-segregationist thinking leads. Trinity College’s Johnny Eric Williamson’s recent Facebook post saying that “White kneegrows really need a lot of therapy and a good ol’ ass kicking” is another.

College seniors, regardless of race, should walk the stage together on graduation day. They will have to work in the same office spaces, seek office in the same Congress, and work to sustain the American project. As students prepare to enter a world that is truly diverse, colleges should be giving them a history lesson Americans have learned painfully before: separate can never be equal.

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