White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History

White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History

Paul Craig Roberts

The Western world is collapsing so rapidly that I am afraid that I am going to outlive it.

The Western presstitutes and politicians have demonized Putin, Maduro, Iran, and Trump to the same extent as the patriotic propagandistic Western court historians have demonized Adolf Hitler.  But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization—whites demonizing whites.  

One can understand why former British and French colonies from Africa through the Middle East to India, and Washington’s former colony in the Philippines and its Latin American puppet states would look with disfavor on white faces and use harsh language. But why do the New York Times, CNN, NPR, and white professors throughout the university system, school boards, white politicians, such as France’s Macron and the European Community’s  Jean-Claude Juncker and Germany’s Merkel and a wide assortment of British and Scandinavian politicians demonize white people? In Scandinavia  a blond woman who reports her rape by the latest wave of third world “migrants” invited into the country by the crazed Scandinavian politicians is dismissed as a racist.  Scandinavian people have told me that it is becoming difficult to report any crime by migrants as the report borders on being a hate crime.  

Why is fake history created in order to support this hatred of white people? Not long ago I wrote about a white man who wrote in CounterPunch that Robert E. Lee owned 200 slaves and enjoyed abusing them.  I pointed out that Lee spent his life, until Virginia’s secession, as a US Army officer fighting for the US empire against Mexico and against the native “Indians.”  He never had 200 slaves or a plantation. He was a US Army officer who was so highly regarded by Washington that he was offered a Union command when the North decided to invade the South in order to preserve the Empire. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/04/08/identity-politics-smears-robert-e-lee/ 

The fake history about Lee is just one example.  I used it because it demonstrates how outrageous are the lies that now comprise American “history.”  Despite being unattached to any known facts, they nevertheless get into history books.  

Black studies avoids the fact that the British sea captains who brought African slaves to the British colonies that later became the United States purchased the black slaves from the black king of Dahomey, who captured his fellow blacks in slave wars against other black tribes.  The United States has raised entire generations on the fake history that white people hated blacks and decided to capture them in Africa and make slaves of them in order to beat and abuse them. 

So how does diversity and multiculturalism work to produce a livable society when education and entertainment teach that white people are racists?

Any answering back by whites to accusations is considered to be proof that they are racists who will not acknowledge their sins and repent from them with lavish reparations and self-mutilation. 

Diversity has become such a value that the great universities have decided to destroy themselves in order to promote diversity.  Oxford University, the most famous university in the world, has decided to lower its standards in order to promote diversity. Over the course of the next four years Oxford is going to reject 25% of the qualified applicants in order to make room for unqualified applicants who are “deprived” because of standards that cause “inequality.” https://www.theweek.co.uk/101342/how-oxford-university-s-sea-change-in-admissions-will-work?_mout=1&utm_campaign=theweekdaily_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter 

Goodbye the value of an Oxford education. The once prestigious degree is becoming equalized with that of a community college,  Heaven forbid that there is anything but equality. The parents who sacrificed to send their kids to private schools to prepare them for success at Oxford, have wasted their sacrifice and their money, because the qualifications for 25% of their kids for admission are irrelevant for diversity admission. The lower you score, the more diverse and more favored you are.

All over England, or as it is now called the UK, the universities are being destroyed, as in the US.  Not only is there the example of Oxford, but the same is happening all over England and the US. The University of Nottingham has destroyed itself.  For example, the university’s philosophy department was ranked, which meant that an advanced degree meant something about its graduates expertise in the subject.

But “diversity” intervened, and scholarship took the blow. The professors with a solid research recond were discarded and unqualified diversity was employed in their place. Consequently, the university lost its standing for its Ph.D. in philosophy.

This adversely affected the graduates who paid their parents’ money and years of their life for  degrees, the value of which the corrupt university administration threw away in order to please “diversity.”

Far from enjoying supremacy, white males are denied equality. They are discriminated against in university admissions and employment. Free speech is denied to them. According to military wives, white males are being denied promotions while the military achieves diversity balancing.  Google fires white males for stating basic facts. White school boys are being browbeat and feminized.  The charge of white supremacy is being used to herd white people to the back of the bus.  While they sit there and suck their thumbs, white people are being propagandized out of existence.

Now that even MLK is a ‘sex criminal’, maybe US can stop toppling statues and ‘canceling’ people


The Mass Media Is Poisoning Us With Hate


Western Supremacy Is On Its Way Out

Paul Craig Roberts

On May 28 I wrote that “the Western world is collapsing so rapidly that I am afraid that I am going to outlive it” ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/05/24/whiteness-is-the-new-evil/ ). My article was about the rising demonization of white people that is producing a collapse in their confidence. Inculcated guilt is making whites willing to accept discrimination against them in order to elevate Arab, African, and Hispanic migrants that greedy corporations and witless political leaders have brought into the country.  The Identity Politics of the Democratic Party works to the advantage of darker skinned migrants who present themselves as the victims of the white-faced


Psychological and emotional collapse is not the only form of collapse underway in the US and Western world generally.  There is also economic and social collapse, especially in the United States.  Today America’s once great manufacturing and industrial cities, such as Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, Flint Michigan, Gary Indiana, have lost 20% of their populations, largely due to the offshoring of US manufacturing. (See https://www.amazon.com/Failure-Laissez-Faire-Capitalism/dp/0986036250/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2W1NDYFTJ7Q82&keywords=paul+craig+roberts+books&qid=1559153009&s=books&sprefix=Paul+Craig%2Caps%2C151&sr=1-4 )

Social collapse is evident in rising homelessness.  Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle have large homeless populations that encamp on city streets, parks, and upscale neighborhoods such as Venice Beach ( https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/las-homeless-surge-puts-hollywoods-progressive-ideals-test-1174599 ).

In Los Angeles feces and garbage in public streets have caused a plague of rats and fleas.  Dangerous sanitation conditions have caused medical authorities to predict “a major infectious disease epidemic this summer in Los Angeles” ( https://www.newswars.com/doctor-predicts-major-infectious-disease-epidemic-to-hit-los-angeles-this-summer/ ).  The flea-infested carpets in City Hall are being ripped out because of fear of a typhus outbreak brought on by rat infestation. 

Costs are mounting on already struggling taxpayers. For example, in Los Angeles in 2016 voters approved a $1.2 billion measure to finance 10,000 units of housing for the homeless. The initial cost three years ago was $140,000 per housing unit.  Now it is $500,000 per unit.  As one news report put it, “Spending a half-million dollars to build one basic rental unit to get one homeless family out of the rain” doesn’t come across as a viable idea. http://www.foxandhoundsdaily.com/2019/01/homeless-invasion-of-venice-beach-exposes-larger-california-problems/ 

Among the solutions being investigated are refuge camps and a rethinking of the policy of taking in millions of peoples from impoverished and unstable countries. We are impoverishing ourselves without making a dent in world poverty.  For every person the US takes in, tens of thousands remain.  Already areas of the US look and function like India of 100 years ago. 

Homeless alleviation is at least benefiting liberal and progressive organizations who are amassing money and power to fight homelessness at the expense of taxpayers. 

Rising violence is another indicator of social collapse. Over Memorial Day weekend 42 people were shot in Chicago  (https://www.globalresearch.ca/42-people-shot-chicago-memorial-day-weekend/5678895 ). The violent MS-13 gang, formed originally by Salvadoran and Honduran migrants, has expanded its operation from California to Long Island and is now invading the Hamptons.  Residents are installing bullet-proof windows, steel doors, and safe rooms inside their homes for protection. ( https://nypost.com/2018/10/06/hamptons-millionaires-build-luxe-panic-rooms-to-hide-from-ms-13/ ).

Another sign of social collapse is growing water problems. The Flint Michigan problem is well known, but there are many others with less publicity. Henry Ford Hospital and the Detroit Health Department report a drastic increase in levels of waterborne diseases ( https://www.globalresearch.ca/detroits-water-austerity-endangering-seniors/5678856 ).

This is just a taste of the accelerating social collapse.  Readers will write to inquire why I didn’t include x,y, and z and the health care crisis.  The answer is that this is an article, not a book.  

What we are experiencing is the failure of government at all levels.  Huge sums are being spent on wars and the fomenting of wars while Los Angeles faces the prediction of a typhus epidemic. Washington calls it “the war on terror,” which is a cover story that hides the real agenda and motivation of violence that has killed, maimed, orphaned and displaced millions of Muslims. One consequence of these senseless wars has been to radicalize Muslims against Americans and Europeans even as the US and Europe import millions of displaced Muslims into their countries. 

Countries without a homogeneous population are already disadvantaged by disunity, but to bring in massive numbers of peoples who have every reason to hate you is insanity.  Once here, the hatred is weaponized against white people by Identity Politics.

If a country decided to self-destruct, it would do precisely what the US and Europe have done.  This is the serious problem, not Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, China.  It is likely the case that Identity Politics is now so entrenched in American institutions, such as the New York school system ( https://nypost.com/2019/05/28/bombshell-suit-claims-carranzas-toxic-whiteness-purge-cost-doe-execs-their-jobs/ ), that disunity is now a permanent feature of the United States.

The largely unacknowledged problems that the US faces would overwhelm even a unified country.  For a country as disunited as America, it is difficult to see any favorable odds.

“A Catalyst for Hate and Division.”

New York Public School Teachers Ordered to Favor Black Children Over White Children


Whiteness Is The New Evil

Paul Craig Roberts

The assault on whiteness is now part of official educational policy.  In New York City the head of the education department, Richard Carranza, a son of Mexican immigrants, is conducting a campaign against toxic white supremacy culture.  His training program for teachers identifies objectivity, individualism, belief in meritocracy, and Protestant work ethic as manifestations of white supremacy that have to be rooted out of the education system.  Carranza says these white values constitute a deep-rooted bigotry.  Carranza dismisses whites, who object to his portrayal of their values as racial biases, as defensive of white supremacy culture. To get rid of whiteness, Carranza has fired numerous white education department officials.  https://nypost.com/2019/05/19/carranzas-lunatic-war-on-toxic-whiteness/ 

See also: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/05/22/nyc-department-of-education-individualism-is-white-supremacy-culture/ 

Clearly, white liberals are once again the victims of their delusions.  They took a Mexican immigrant, gave him a public school and university education, made him superintendent of Houston public schools, and then put him in charge of New York City schools at a $345,000 annual salary only to have him dismantle their policy of “colorblindness” and replace it with Identity Politics. Carranza intends to liberate people from the inherent insidiousness of white culture and replace fact-based knowledge with emotion-based knowledge.  https://nypost.com/2019/05/20/richard-carranza-held-doe-white-supremacy-culture-training/ 

In other words, the diversity and multiculturalism for which white liberals were advocates have now turned against the white culture that welcomed them. White kids in New York public schools are to be herded to the back of the bus.

The attack on whiteness doesn’t differentiate between white genders.  All whites are the enemy.  But white males get a double dose of hate, because women have turned on them also.  Thus there is disunity among the white genders, leaving whites unable to present a common front against their opponents. 

Illinois state representative Dianna Pappas says the solution to unwanted pregnancies and abortions is to castrate men.  The men would have the option prior to castration of having their semen stored so that when there was a decision to have children the semen could be taken out of storage.  https://sputniknews.com/us/201904291074555161-democrat-propose-castrate-men-abortions/ 

Laura Carlsen, a gender consultant and women’s advocate, writes in CounterPunch (Vol. 26, No.1) that  “‘White’ describes the racism directed at all non-white peoples” and “‘nationalism’ refers to the territorial aspirations” of whites for their own country.  White males, Carlsen claims, have a “meticulously cultivated sense of entitlement” to women and their wombs to pump out blue-eyed babies.  “Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, Christian Identity, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant” are characteristics of white nationalists.”  It is OK for, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics to have their own countries, but not for the whites.

The insanity that has taken over in the United States is also ensconced in Canada, Australia, New  Zealand, and Europe.  For example, the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker has denounced British, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, and other Europeans as “stupid nationalists who are in love with their own countries.”  Instead of this ethnic selfishness, Europeans should welcome massive non-European immigration and cease to exist as unified ethnic nationalities.  https://www.rt.com/news/460097-stupid-nationalists-hate-migrants/ 

In France, as in most of Europe, it is dangerous for a person of French ethnicity to utter a critical word about a black or Arab migrant.  The fact that the white governments have taken the side of non-white migrants against their white citizens has emboldened non-white migrants in acts of violence and hatred toward European whites. For example, in France, the black rapper, Nick Conrad, has made a video of himself rapping “I fuck France, I burn France” as he symbolically strangles a white woman representing France. 

Try to imagine this in racial reverse with a white man symbolically strangling a black woman. According to this report—https://dailystormer.name/i-fuck-france-i-burn-france-rapper-violates-and-kills-france-symbolized-as-a-white-woman/—the video preaching racial hatred has not been taken down by Facebook, YouTube, Apple, or Twitter, which proves the often made point that in the New World Order of Identity Politics only white people can be guilty of hate speech.




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