Trump Nominee Who Compared Catholicism to KKK Racism Withdraws Nomination

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( — Michigan attorney Michael Bogren, who compared a Catholic family refusing to host a same-sex wedding to a KKK member engaging in racial discrimination, withdrew his nomination to be a judge for the Western District of Michigan today, according to Prof. Margot Cleveland, who is related to Bogren.

“I just learned that my cousin, Mike Bogren, has sent [the] White House a letter withdrawing his name from consideration of the district court position,” wrote Cleveland in a June 11 tweet.

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In addition, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) did not inlude Bogren’s name on a list of nominees to be voted on today in committee, reported Kansas City Star correspondent Brian Lowry.

During a May 22 hearing on his nomination, Bogren was questioned about arguments he made in an East Lansing, Mich., case equating a Catholic family refusing to host a same-sex wedding on their property to a KKK member racially discriminating.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked Bogren whether “a Catholic family’s pointing to the teachings of their church is equivlent to a KKK member invoking Christianity.”

After a testy back and forth, Bogren finally said yes, “I stand by those comparisons.”

Not long thereafter, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he would not vote for Bogren and called on President Trump to withdraw the nomination. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) told on June 6 that he would not vote for Bogren. Also, in a May 31 tweet, Sen. Hawley wrote, “The DC Establishment wants people of faith to shut up. Our Constitution guarantees us more. I won’t support for a lifetime appointment to the bench someone who compares faithful Catholics to the KKK ridicules them as haters.”

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The Detroit News reported at 4:56 p.m. today, “Michigan attorney Michael Bogren says he has written to the White House asking to withdraw his nomination to the federal bench, following growing Republican backlash over his record.”

Source material can be found at this site.

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