Flynn Uncovered Massive Clinton Scandal Linked to Terrorist Funding Immediately Targeted by Obama Deep State

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On November 10, 2017, we reported how the Wall Street Journal had received information from anonymous sources who said that General Flynn and his son Michael were involved in a plot to kidnap Muslim cleric and return him to Turkey.

The Wall Street Journal reported –

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating former White House national security adviser Mike Flynn’s alleged role in a plan to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric living in the U.S. and deliver him to Turkey in return for millions of dollars, according to people familiar with the investigation.

(Of course in the aftermath of Obama it is now customary and expected for FBI, DOJ and other government officials to leak true and false stories to the left wing media as long as they attack or discredit President Trump or anyone who voted for him.  These corrupt and criminal leaks will never be investigated or addressed in court with the Deep State in charge of the US government.)

 Regardless, the story may have been placed with the WSJ to entice General Flynn to later plead guilty to lying to the FBI.  Of course, what Flynn supposedly lied about has never been leaked through the mainstream liberal media.

But based on a report at Neonrevolt, there is much more to this story. 

In November 2017,

The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once called his “friend” in a well circulated video.

Flynn then shared a video of President Clinton claiming that the shady mullah is a friend of the US –


Flynn then shared –

Gülen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a radical Islamist. He has publicly boasted about his “soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs them to do. If he were in reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and his government.

Flynn then compared Gulen to leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and “Turkey’s Osama Bin Laden”.  He discussed how Gulen brought into the US numerous individuals to run his charter schools he set up –

To add insult to injury, American taxpayers are helping finance Gülen’s 160 charter schools in the United States. These schools have been granted more H1-B visas than Google. It is inconceivable that our visa officers have approved thousands of visas for English teachers whose English is incomprehensible. A CBS “60 Minutes” program documented a conversation with one such imported English teacher from Turkey. Several lawsuits, including some in Ohio and Texas, point to irregularities in the operation of these schools.


Flynn then dropped this bomb about the Clinton Foundation’s relationship with this terrorist –

However, funding seems to be no problem for Gülen’s network. Hired attorneys work to keep the lucrative government source of income for Gülen and his network going. Influential charities such as Cosmos Foundation continue their support for Gulen’s charter schools.

Incidentally, Cosmos Foundation is a major donor to Clinton Foundation. No wonder Bill Clintoncalls Mullah Gülen “his friend.” It is now no secret that Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s close aide and confidante, worked for 12 years as the associate editor for a journal published by the London-based Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs. This institute has promoted the thoughts of radical Muslim thinkers such as Qutb, al Bana and others.

Neonrevolt notes a New York Times article that discusses the terrorist organization in the US led by Gulen. What is happening is this –

The taxpayers fund the school system

The school abuses the H1-B visa program to import “teachers.”

The “teachers” get paid by taxpayers.

The “teachers” then donate 40% of their paychecks BACK to the Gulen Movement.

And Gulen goes and donates a chunk of this change back to the Clinton Foundation… while also trying to subvert and overthrow the Turkish government.

Neonrevolt then notes some statistics on the corruption in the US related to the Gulen group.

Gulenists’ contributions to congressional campaigns have been known for some time, as Buzzfeed reported last year. Texas Reps. Sheila Jackson-Lee, and Henry Cuellar, both Democrats, are among the biggest benefactors of Gulen contributions.

USA Today reported last month that the House ethics committee has investigated more than 200 trips taken by members of Congress since 2008 that were secretly funded by Gulen groups.

Clinton has been the biggest recipient of Gulenist donations of any presidential candidate this cycle, federal election records show.

This all leads up to today –

General Flynn as we all know now as targeted by Obama and the Clintons for some reason.  He knew too much and he was working with Trump were enough, but maybe his oped was what scared them the most.  He had to be taken down and so he was targeted.

He lost his job with the Trump team due to shady actions by the Deep State and then was targeted by the Mueller team.  He eventually pled guilty to a crime of lying to the FBI.  Since this time he has been working with the Mueller team as was put in place as part of his agreement.

What we know now is that based on Flynn’s current trial date, set in August, his cooperation with the government should come to an end soon.   What is also in the works is that Flynn is supposed to be the key witness in the court case related to his business partner.

The DOJ’s website shares this about the case –

According to allegations in the indictment, the two men were involved in a conspiracy to covertly influence U.S. politicians and public opinion against a Turkish citizen living in the United States whose extradition had been requested by the Government of Turkey. The plot included using a company founded by Rafiekian and a person referred to as “Person A” in the indictment. The company, referred to as “Company A” in the indictment, provided services based upon Person A’s national security expertise.

According to Neonrevolt, person A is General Flynn and Company A is his company.  The individual that reportedly hired the Flynn group was a man by the name of Ekim Alptekin, who is connected with a consortium of Deep State spies –


How was Alptekin connected to the authors of Spygate? It depends on who you think they are, but he’s a Dutch citizen of Turkish origin with an array of connections that include Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud, George Soros, and senior U.S. officials, some of the connections through Soros’s European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), which has appeared as a hub for other Spygate connections in Europe.  Halper is not a member, but shows up for ECFR events.

Obviously Turkey didn’t like Gulen and therefore they wanted him out of the US.  It is suggested that when Flynn testifies about his activities with his former partner related to Turkey, that he will actually be forced to out the Clinton Foundation and Obama in their activities with the terrorist in Pennsylvania.  The whole operation by the Deep State will come back and slap them in their faces.

Is Flynn playing the long game?  For the sake of America, let’s hope so.  God bless General Michael Flynn.

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