Progressives, under the guise of Social Democrats and, now, the mainstream Democrat Party, have fully embraced the concept of depopulation, but they’re no longer targeting people of color, certain ethnicities or sexual orientation. The bull’s eye is boldly painted on the back (because cowards won’t face their adversary) of anyone who still believes in God, family and country.
Citing every eccentric theory that pits Man against nature, pious social justice armies have turned against themselves in their zeal to rid the nation and the planet of their enemy. It’s not just the craven masked mobs roaming the streets of Portland, Oregon and D.C. assaulting unarmed bystanders with cement-laden “milkshakes,” iron bars or planned acid balloon attacks.
Politicians, jurists, educators and bureaucrats have instituted legislation, curricula and regulations inducing fear of overpopulation
Self-righteous leftists settled in for the long haul, committing decades to infiltrate public schools, government, media and religious institutions. Over time, they’ve engineered dramatic revisions of history in each of these domains to reflect their altered view of the world.
Employing every device possible, politicians, jurists, educators and bureaucrats have instituted legislation, curricula and regulations inducing fear of overpopulation—that the environment can’t sustain the current number of human bodies, methane-excreting animals, cultivated crops or mined resources. The last two generations have been browbeaten with anxiety that their predecessors have bequeathed them a beleaguered earth and they are tasked with its rescue from… who? Themselves, of course.
How are these despairing youngsters to accomplish the impossible?
Lucky for them, grizzled hipsters from the sixties successfully indoctrinated them with the simple solution: reduce the population. Which begs the next question. How? Looks like the old socialists had that covered, too.
I. Remove all moral standards
Remove all moral standards. This is the first imperative to instituting depopulation. Without a moral code anything goes and, now, it does.
By teaching children as young as preschoolers that their sex is up for debate, that they can decide if they are boys, girls, a mixture or none of the above, confusion about their identity and, eventually, about procreation is deeply seated in their psyches. Promoting the idea that consorting with others of the same sex or going to the extreme of changing their sex to something else creates individuals less likely to reproduce. As children grow older, add to the coached sexual confusion the idea that physical gratification is paramount, then disdain for the reproductive process follows.
To forward the agenda, states are addressing aspects of sex education and how to deal with resulting unwanted pregnancies, calling both “choice.” Colorado has passed legislation compelling public schools to teach LGBT ideology while forbidding discussions about religious perspectives on sex that encourage abstinence and traditional marriage. Christian schools like one in Maryland are being cut off from receiving voucher funds because they teach biblical perspectives on sexuality.
Dealing with unwanted pregnancies that may occur due to these sex education models, New York and Vermont have legalized “abortion” after delivery, otherwise identified as infanticide, while other states contemplate similar bills.
Either side of the curriculum furthers the agenda of seriously lessening the number of humans and states like Maine are adding laws that encourage individuals to take their own lives. Oregon passed assisted suicide years ago and, in 2018, added assisted murder for Alzheimers, severely physically debilitated and mentally deficient patients by allowing legal guardians to withhold food and water.
II. Manufacturing environmental crises
Manufacturing environmental crises. Re-zoning to displace whole populations, curtail housing and agriculture allow health disasters to occur.
Efforts to decrease numbers and concentrate Americans into high-density population centers (as opposed to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’ illegitimate claim that illegals are imprisoned in “concentration camps”) are wending their way through California’s legislature. One overreaching bill imposes state control over residential zoning, stripping power from municipalities and counties to decide the make-up of housing developments, essentially pulling the plug on the American Dream of owning a single-family home.
Urban planning stresses depopulating countryside, limiting agriculture (which restricts food production, encouraging scarcity and high food prices) and cordoning off uninhabited wilderness where citizens pay a fee to visit the beauty of nature—if there is still road access. Using environmentalism for cover, farms are languishing as irrigation is blocked (e.g. California’s San Joaquin Valley), ranches are dying as grazing is fenced off across the West, and mining and logging are prevented by government agencies (BLM, EPA, USFS, etc.) diminishing access to building materials and resources for affordable power generation (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.).
Related tactics to reduce our native-born population are taking hold as democrats do all in their power to leave the borders wide open, inviting seriously ill migrants to enter the country, including individuals from Ebola-stricken Congo. A recent report demonstrated how caravans traveling north are now including “exotic” nationals and “extra-continentals”from Africa and Asia crossing from Colombia into Panama, many showing signs of unidentified skin ailments and other diseases.
Is it the left’s intent to introduce infectious and fatal epidemics that will severely affect America’s generally healthy citizenry?
III. Importing an underclass
Importing an underclass. This aspect of depopulation by displacing citizens with foreign peoples is two-fold and has a basis in history.
As a method of control that was documented by ancient historians, supported by biblical passages, Assyrian kings such as Tiglath Pileser III forced the removal of whole regional populations from their native lands to unfamiliar environs a thousand miles distant, keeping the exiled people in a state of flux, discomfort and fear. 2 Kings 17 describes the relocation of the Cuthah, Ava, Hamath and Sepharvaim from Babylon to Samaria where they replaced the population of Israel that was marched to Assyria. The Books of Daniel and Ezekiel are the tales of a people in captivity, some who eventually returned to their homeland and most who never did, forming a dispossessed underclass wherever they settled over the following millennia.
The strategy works. Examine how illegal immigrants entering the United States complain about “living in the shadows” as outcasts. Government welfare, education and healthcare dispensed to the “undocumented” cements their subjection to authority while their self-appointed, liberal-funded spokesmen rail against the system that coddles them. Despite their crying “unfair,” they submit to the control by never crossing the political line that keeps them subjects, including voting illegally to stay in bondage to government handouts. They forget that handouts don’t have strings, they’re attached to nooses.
Within these oppressive ideologies lurk self-destructive death cults. From the West’s upswing in suicide among rudderless youth suspended in a social order devoid of faith, to a spate of muslim mothers putting their children in harm’s way, encouraging suicide, murder and reckless behavior. Examples are prolific as in supporting Hamas closing schools in Gaza and scurrying their youngsters off to participate in violent riots which could result in maiming or a martyred death.
IV Sustaining an underclass
Cities under the leadership of liberal officials, most all democrats, have suffered like no other municipalities and counties across the nation. Economic depression ushered in during the previous presidential administration, along with platitudes that America’s days of productivity and invention were over, instigated a loss of jobs, property and optimism that has beset the largest cities in America.
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle are strewn with miles of tent cities that their elected officials welcome, wringing hands and shedding crocodile tears about the tens of thousands of displaced, diseased, mentally disabled, drugged-up or indolent individuals occupying the sidewalks. Instead of working to solve the problem, the progressive administrations are happily funding poop patrols, used needle disposal, rat and vermin extermination and negotiations over “property rights.”
In Los Angeles, pestilence has broken out along Skid Row carried by rats that have infested LAPD’s Central Division where two employees have contracted typhoid fever. Open sewage, rotting garbage and filth now pose health hazards to service employees, first responders, business operators and the growing homeless population that city administrators, with shrugged shoulders, accept as inevitable.
The purpose of these depopulation schemes that are riddled with malice toward innocent lives and human productivity is confounding average Americans.
Civil society is under attack by liberal financiers influencing elected and bureaucratic officials intentionally reducing access to food, water, medical treatment and uncensored information, restricting healthy family relations and teaching faith in God.
Educational design has curtailed understanding of our founding documents, raising generations of Americans who would willingly do away with them, believing that life is pointless and, thus, valueless and expendable. They’ve been groomed to conclude these documents promise the opposite of their original intent of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” because these attributes of human aspiration have been redefined as something ugly and selfish.
Scaling down human numbers through the tactics described makes for a more pliable and controllable population that sustain the opulent lifestyles of those orchestrating the demise of our social order. As much as the conclusion sounds off-the-wall and conspiratorial, efforts to depopulate the world are evident and those who don’t investigate or challenge the information delivered by media, educators, government and misguided ministries are complicit.
Finally, it must be stressed how the progressive game plan to depopulate the planet directly contradicts God’s Word. They say the planet is straining under overpopulation and humanity’s billions must be decreased; that mother earth simply can’t sustain all those needy lives.
That is patently untrue.
God said: Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
And it was repeated in Genesis 9:1 – And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth‚Ķ 7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
The earth was meant to feed and prosper all humanity. That’s why Man was directed and empowered to cultivate it—collect seed, plow, sow and harvest its wealth.
The lie that Man has power to destroy the earth has been planted among the last few generations to promote compliance to decrease their own numbers. They and subsequent shrinking populations then become easier to control. Powerful patrons turn aside anger by firing-up resistance to the “status quo” that, in return, quells rebellion against the politicians and affluent funders who’ve essentially reduced the self-ordained anarchists to reactive “masses,” as Karl Marx labeled them.
The United States was established to offer every citizen an opportunity to equally pursue God’s riches according to their desires to succeed. Equality is not a promise that everyone owns equivalent property, or that wealth is distributed “fairly,” a favorite word of progressivism.
This nation came into being to protect individuals from subjugation by elitist overlords that, 243 years ago, were embodied by King George and the British nobility who mercilessly taxed the Colonies. Consider that the rate of taxation levied by the British government which inspired the Boston Tea Party was a fraction of what individuals pay in the 21stCentury. The word that describes what our founders rejected is feudalism. Today it’s called socialism.
Anyone else see a problem here?