A case study in how “Islamophobia” charges destroy lives.
The UK’s Mailonline reported Friday that according to a “damning” new report, “sex attacks on young girls by Asian grooming gangs were ignored by police fear of stoking racial tensions, a damning report has ruled.” “Asian” is British media code for “Muslim.”
The Mail added that “a chief inspector from Rotherham was found to have admitted South Yorkshire Police force turned a blind eye to the harrowing cases of abuse…The unnamed senior police officer said: ‘With it being Asians, we can’t afford for this to come out.’” The father of one of the victims recounted: “She’d been missing for weeks and he [the chief inspector] was talking as though she was an adult doing it of her own free will. He said it had been going on for 30 years and that in his day they used to call them ‘P*** shaggers’. I told him she was a child and this was child abuse.”
Indeed it was. But Muslims were a protected class in Britain, and could break laws with impunity, as authorities were too worried about charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia” to go after them.
In just one city, Rotherham, British officials “described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
Nor did this happen only in Rotherham; all over the country, authorities let Muslim rape gangs run rampant for fear of being charged with “racism” and “Islamophobia” if they did anything about them. That is just what happened to Tommy Robinson when he dared to call attention to these gangs and the Islamic motivation behind their activities.
Hope Not Hate has scrubbed the evidence, but it used to be possible to search for “grooming” (as these gangs are usually called “grooming gangs” in the British media) at Hope Not Hate’s site. You would have seen that the vast majority of the articles mentioning this practice were attacking those who were calling attention to it and protesting against it.
The lives of tens of thousands of British girls are ruined today because of fascist “anti-hate” crusaders Nick Lowles and Matthew Collins of Hope Not Hate, Fiyaz Mughal of Faith Matters and Tell Mama, and their friends, supporters, and allies. Yet it is Tommy Robinson who went to prison. If Britain were even close to being a sane society today, Lowles, Mughal, and company, not Tommy Robinson, would have been subjected to scorching criticism, and there would be a thorough public reevaluation of how much the Left’s alliance with Islamic supremacism and smear campaign against foes of jihad terror has harmed the nation and its people.
But Britain is not a sane society today, and these sinister individuals — Lowles, Mughal, and the rest of them — continue to wield their considerable power and influence in British society. If Britain is ever to
Now there is publicity about this, but how has the situation changed? Britain needs a massive transformation of its political culture, but that is prevented by the same fears that led to this wholesale destruction of young girls’ lives.
Britain has become a shabby little police state in which it is illegal to criticize Islam and mass Muslim migration. Its death as a free society is by its own hand.