Democrats Made Promises; President Trump Delivered

“Democrats talk a big game about raising living standards for the ‘little man,’” Adam Brandon writes. “But the Trump administration is getting it done.”

On school choice, criminal justice reform, record-low minority unemployment, and more, Democrats have promised progress in disenfranchised urban communities for generations. The left’s actual policies, however, have only made matters worse.

WATCH: In the land of opportunity, no American should be left behind

Under President Trump, real change is happening. The booming jobs market has brought African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment to historic lows. Wage gains are boosting pay for low-income workers more than white-collar ones.

Education and workforce development opportunities are expanding, too. “Our black colleges have been struggling for a long time, a bunch of them have gone under. [President Trump] threw a lifeline to them in real life in his budget,” CNN’s Van Jones said.

The President’s historic 2017 tax cuts are also playing a major role in rebuilding our cities. In Charlotte on Friday, the President announced Opportunity Now—a nationwide effort to build on these successes and connect community leaders, workers, employers, and faith leaders across urban centers. “We are not interested in business as usual. We are not interested in continuing yesterday’s failures,” the President said.

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We want to disrupt what’s broken.”

GET THE FACTS: The American Dream is back, no matter your ZIP code!

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