Roger Stone Being Setup: Juror on Stone Case Is a Biased Former Obama Official

Jury of His Peers? Roger Stone Juror Named Publicly…Sylvia Burwell Is a Former Obama Official.

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From Left to Right: Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Sylvia Burwell

Supreme Court has ruled multiple times that juror’s identities & backgrounds are 100% public interest and are key to having an open and fair court system that people trust.

In the matter of public interest – and adhering to the public’s right to access juror information the site Infowars has exposed that former Obama insider Sylvia Burwell was selected as a prospective juror for Roger Stone’s trial.

Specific details were already released by other news outlets, including the fact that Burwell, already a public figure, had a prominent position at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directly under former President Obama.

“[The] first juror was an only-in-D.C. character, a former Obama-era press secretary for the Office of Management and Budget whose husband still works at the Justice Department division that played a role in the Russia probe that ultimately snagged Stone,” Politico reported. “She even acknowledged to having negative views of President Donald Trump, and said she had followed the media coverage of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.”

Later, Burwell was selected to head the Department of Health and Human Services during Obama’s second term.

She first worked for the federal government under Bill Clinton, serving as the deputy director for the OMB under his administration.

Her background led to Stone’s lawyers asking the court to strike her from prospective jury duty over perceived bias, but the judge said no, adding that she would not strike potential jurors if they have strong opinions about President Trump, notwithstanding that Roger Stone was an influential player in Trump’s successful White House run.

Alex Jones Show has more bombshells on the Roger Stone trial at Infowars.

Note from Alex Jones: The fake news kingpins over at the Daily Beast are claiming that we have identified the wrong Obama administration official. The Daily Beast also falsely claimed that we had a grim reaper on the show to try and intimidate and threaten the jurors. That is completely false.

Anyone who watched the show knows that the grim reaper was on the show talking about the fact that no one is buying the claim that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.

Mrs. Burwell is the only person from the Obama administration that matches the description that Reuters, Politico and others gave that the woman was a spokesperson for the Office of Budget & Management and that her husband is a lawyer who worked with the Justice Dept. on the Mueller probe.

Now, it is entirely possible that Reuters, Politico and others got their reporting wrong and that we have matched the wrong person because of the false reporting they put out. Regardless, that’s why there shouldn’t be all this attempted unconstitutional secrecy in jury selection and why the Supreme Court has ruled that jury identities and even their home addresses are public so that this type of speculation is not rife.

What we do know is that the judge did try to seat an Obama administration official whose husband did work at the Justice Dept., and again, according to these facts, this is the only person it matches. If someone can show us  that we’re wrong, we’ll be happy to correct it.

The Judge on the trial, political hack Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointed and corrupt liberal judge with an angry disposition towards Americans who think differently than Hussein Obama, continues to put her own distorted interpretation of US law ahead of the US Constitution.

Robert Barnes reveals how a former Obama official was hand-picked as a juror in the trial of Roger Stone: Sylvia Mathews Burwell. Related Articles: *** Infowars Releases Name Of Obama Official Chosen For Roger Stone Jury.

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