‘Sex Change’ Isn’t Surgically Possible, My Surgeon Testified in Court

Many people wonder why I’m so
outspoken about the madness of prescribing cross-sex hormones and genital
mutilation surgery for patients who suffer from the desire to be the opposite
sex, known clinically as gender dysphoria.

I speak out because I consulted
the “gender experts” when I had gender confusion, and they told me sex change
was the only way to get relief.

But they were wrong. I didn’t need
sex change—I need effective psychotherapy to resolve childhood issues.

“Sex change” is pure balderdash. No
one can change his or her sex. I have the document saying so.

Here’s how it came about.

After eight years of living as a
woman, I finally admitted that truth to myself and sought to reclaim my male
identity. In an effort to restore my birth certificate to “male,” I formally
asked two acclaimed experts in 1990 to testify to my being male in California
Superior Court.

They were Dr. Stanley Biber, the world-renowned sex-change surgeon who performed my operation and over 4,000 others in his career, and psychologist/sexologist Paul Walker, my gender therapist and the esteemed author of the original Standards of Care for transgender health.

These two men, both dead now, were the leading experts in the nascent field of “gender” medicine. In the document they co-authored, signed, and submitted to California Superior Court, they admitted that sex changes do not occur medically.

No Change of Sex Occurs

The court document from July 25, 1990, states that I meet
the medical criteria for the male sex, even after a full-blown sex change. Men
do not become women through surgery or hormones.

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Paragraph 5 of the document reads:

This Patient, by the criteria established by John Money, Ph.D. at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, is indeed now considered a male. We plead that the court will reestablish this man’s legal identity as male. The patient’s medical sex is evaluated as follows:

Genetic Sex ………………………………………………………..Male

Hormonal Sex……………………………………………………..Neuter

Internal Morphology…………………………………………..Male

External Morphology………………………………………….Mixed

Gonadal Sex……………………………………………………….Neuter

Social Sex (gender role)……………………………………..Male

“Genetic Sex [is] Male.” According to the testimony of both doctors,
sex-change surgery fails to change a person’s genetic sex.

“Internal Morphology [is] Male.” That is, the internal form and structure of the body remains male even after years of hormone use and sex-changing surgical procedures.

In retrospect, it’s a game-changing bombshell. The renowned
gender experts testified that even when a person undergoes sex-change surgery
and takes cross-gender hormones for many years, genetic sex and internal
morphology do not change.

Transgender identity doesn’t exist except in one’s

So What Does Change?

What does change, then, according to the sex-change surgeon
and the gender expert?

  • “Gonadal Sex [is] Neuter.” The male reproductive
    organs are refashioned surgically into a pseudo-vagina and the ability to provide
    sperm is destroyed.
  • “Hormonal Sex [is] Neuter.” The ability to
    produce testosterone is destroyed.
  • “External Morphology [is] Mixed.” Outward
    appearance of the male body is a mix of male and female. Cosmetic procedures
    and hormones have a feminizing effect on appearance, but many male traits
    remain, such as hand size, foot size, and physical strength.

The court document attests that only social sex (gender
role) and external morphology (outward appearance) can change.

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Therefore, people can skip the hormones and ditch the
radical genital surgery because they are not medically necessary. By providing
them, the medical professionals commit medical malpractice.

Sex change at its heart is only a social sex change, staged by gender-confused people themselves through a change of clothes and name.

Transgender Women in Sports

Men who claim to be women and then intrude in women’s sports
competitions because men’s sports are too difficult for them are only socially pretending
to be women.

Their muscle mass, physical strength, and internal bone structure
remain even if their testosterone levels later drop—all determined at puberty
by the flood of testosterone.

It’s folly to place men on the cover of magazines and celebrate
their courage to “come out” as a transgender female when, according to this
court document, they are still genetic men.

I think that transgender women (men who are impersonating
women) have pulled off one of the biggest misogynistic scams against women in
history. Transgender women are saying, in effect, that the beautiful, distinct female
sex—womanhood itself—is nothing more than wardrobe choices and some cosmetic

Pure balderdash.

This Explains the Unhappiness

This court document also helps explain the explosion of
reported unhappiness, regret, and detransition stories emerging from the U.K., Canada, and the U.S.

Some of the regretters after changing gender tell me they feel
like they are in “gender hell” or that “it was the biggest mistake of my life.”

“I realized I could never become a real woman,” one said. “Now
I want my life back; can you help me?”

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I detransitioned 30 years ago, in 1990, and have written many
articles and books to shine a light on the
harm this grand experiment has caused for so many people: suicides and
attempted suicides, fractured marriages, deserted children.

Two renowned gender experts, sexologist Paul Walker and
surgeon Stanley Biber, exposed the reckless and false ideology in the 1990 court
document. Inadvertently, I’m sure, considering they continued to guide hurting
people along the same destructive path.

This document filed by experts with the Superior Court of California plainly says that sex-changing surgery does not change men into women, or vice versa. So let’s stop pretending it does.

Source material can be found at this site.

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