By Jim Hoft
It seems like nearly every week more evidence is released that indicates the Seth Rich story has some merit.
Yesterday Judicial Watch released documents obtained in a FARA request. The emails show that corrupt cops Peter Strzok and Jonathan Moffa were copied in an email regarding a report from Daily Mail where ex-Brit Craig Murray claimed he traveled to Washington DC and obtained Clinton emails in an exchange in a wooded area near American University.
(Here is a link to the article that was shared between the dirty cops.)
This information was first tweeted by Fool Nelson:
Jon Moffa finds @CraigMurrayOrg's claims interesting, but @petestrzok finds them not worthy of investigation, just like Assange's claims. ?
— FOOL NELSON (@FOOL_NELSON) April 22, 2020
The tweet above includes this line from the Mueller Report — it took a thousand pages for Mueller henchmen to bury this deep inside the report.
This is from page 47, Volume 1.
The FBI’s Jonathan Moffa and Peter Strzok were provided the article from the Daily Mail by an FBI individual who remains redacted. It appears at least two other individuals also were copied on the email:
The FBI’s Strzok forwarded the email to his FBI paramour Lisa Page and wrote:
Shaddy sh*t at AU ..;)
According to the Urban dictionary “shaddy” means “sh*tty and shady”. “AU” likely refers to American University where the transaction likely happened. The wink smile face “;)” could mean anything but it sure looks suspicious.
A follow up tweet above points out that the Mueller report, in Volume 1, p. 47, states that, “The Office cannot rule out that stolen documents were transferred to WikiLeaks through intermediaries who visited during the summer of 2016.”
The Mueller gang never looked into the Seth Rich matter and never interviewed Julian Assange from WikiLeaks to determine who provided him the DNC emails which kicked off the Russia collusion sham.
For months we have been reporting on the Seth Rich saga where the government appears to be covering up information related to his murder and suspected leaking of DNC and Podesta emails to WikiLeaks.
In our last post related to this subject we detailed the many actions taken over the past few years to determine if Seth Rich was the one who provided emails to WikiLeaks.
Recently, transcripts of a conversation between George Papadopoulos and a confidential informant believed to be Stefan Halper were released by the DOJ. This transcripts confirm that Papadopoulos was spied on and recorded, two things Papadopoulos was not told at the time of the case made against him by the Mueller gang.
We know from our previous reporting that a Deep State Anti-Trump former Assistant US Attorney claimed under oath that the FBI did examine Seth Rich’s computer and that she met with an FBI Agent and prosecutor from the Mueller gang. This indicates the meeting should have been recorded in a form 302 but the FBI continues to claim no records related to Seth Rich are available!
Before that we reported that after getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich, emails between FBI Deep State lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered by Judicial Watch referring to “Seth Rich”.
We also reported how Attorney Ty Clevenger uncovered that the former Assistant US Attorney from the case admitted that Rich’s computer was inspected by the FBI and that there would be records related to this investigation. She was deposed and her comments were shocking, indicating she met with both the FBI and the Mueller gang!
Per our post on this matter Clevenger filed his request again asking for all information related to the Seth Rich case. This was based on recent testimony from former Assistant US Attorney Deborah Sines.
It was reported in mid-February how Attorney Ty Clevenger reported to the courts that despite numerous assurances from the FBI that they had no information related to Seth Rich, the FBI had been caught after emails related to Seth Rich were identified and provided to Judicial Watch. It looked like the FBI was lying to Clevenger all this time. (See timeline below).
There is much, much more in our prior posts that refer to this matter. Please take a look.