It Doesn’t Matter Who Did or Did Not Own Slaves

By Lloyd Marcus

Ill-educated Black Lives Matter protesters are on a rampage tearing down monuments of American heroes that they believe owned slaves or were complicit with slavery. Their rage is the consequence of allowing anti-American socialists and communists to dominate public education for decades. Students have been filled with lies and distortions about American history.

It is good that properly educated adults have taken to the airwaves in an attempt to reeducate the dumbed-down mobs regarding the truth about America and her heroes.

I am a proud and grateful American who happens to be black. And frankly, I do not care who did or did not own slaves. What difference does it make that our founding fathers and other heroes were not perfect their entire lives? Descent people learn, become more enlightened and evolve throughout their lives. I cringe thinking about bad things I believed, said and did in my youth. Should my entire life be canceled? The Bible speaks of repentance and redemption.

The bottom line is that the flawed human beings who founded America created something extraordinary and wonderful based upon biblical principles. Eventually, slaves were freed, a black man was elected president and Oprah, a black woman, has earned $2.6 billion. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. Now, can we please move on? Leftists are hellbent on keeping us stuck in the ancient past.

It is absurd to pander to ignorant, pampered spoiled brats who demand that every extraordinary “white person” who founded and built our exceptional country be purged from history because they were not saintly enough to walk on water.

BLM protesters are like the group of religious and legal leaders in the Bible who brought Jesus a woman they caught in the act of adultery. The penalty for adultery was death by stoning. Jesus said to them, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Thinking of the skeletons in their closets, everyone in the group dropped their stone and walked away.

BLM protesters have hidden sin in their years on the planet. And yet, they dare cast stones at America’s remarkable and brilliant profiles in courage.

It is unfair to judge old TV shows, books, movies, and etc. by today’s racial standards and sensitivities. One must remember the times. Stupidly, BLM protesters want to ban and burn all evidence of the extraordinary progress we have made regarding race relations.

BLM wants to ban the classic movie, Gone With the Wind. Hattie McDaniel was the first black actress to win an Oscar for her performance in that film. It is obscene to cancel the work of black show-business pioneers like Hattie McDaniel, Stepin Fetchit, Amos and Andy, and others.

Stepin Fetchit was the first black actor to have a successful film career. In my youth, I was embarrassed by Stepin Fetchit’s racial-stereotype performances. I came to realize that pioneers like Mr. Fetchit paved the way for black entertainers to boldly strut their stuff today.

Nancy Green, the model for “Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Flour,” was an extraordinary woman. Miss Green was also a storyteller, cook, and activist. She became the advertising world’s first living trademark.

Black pioneers should be celebrated and held up as role models rather than having their legacy stricken from history by arrogant clueless faux advocates for black empowerment. It took tremendous willpower, courage, and commitment to achieve success in the face of real racial injustice and discrimination. Successful black trailblazers and the good white folks who fought to open doors of opportunity for them confirm the greatness of America.

Alexis de Tocqueville said he sought to discover the greatness and genius of America. He concluded that “America is great because America is good…” I say, “Amen brother.”

Throughout American history, there were decent whites who risked it all to liberate blacks. BLM and their fake news media partners want blacks to believe white America is obsessed with scheming 24/7, concocting new ways to suppress and murder them. Insidiously, they want blacks to believe that in order to keep eternally racist white America at bay they must remain loyal to voting for Democrats.

Not only do leftists never celebrate self-empowered and disciplined black achievers, they despise and campaign to destroy them. Insultingly, fake news media has a history of manipulating blacks into embracing thugs and career criminals as heroic icons; Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to name a few.

I challenge BLM to explain how destroying monuments and banning U.S. history will stop blacks from murdering each other in record numbers every weekend in Democrat-run cities?

How does BLM wreaking havoc stop black mothers from engaging in self-induced genocide via abortion? Why do BLM’s Democrat Massas insist on keeping urban students in failing violent public schools in which most graduates cannot read their diploma? Why does BLM believe black lives only matter when they are harmed by a white person?

Black Africans kidnapped and enslaved fellow blacks whom they sold to traders who brought them to America. Slavery is alive and well in Africa today. And yet, BLM protesters purposely ignore this truth, gifting black slave-owners with “clean hands.”

David Horowitz made the excellent point that America did not invent slavery, America ended it.

Leftists are hellbent on instilling the lie in this country’s blacks that we are not a part of the American experience; that we are somehow forever victims in a strange land which is not our home.

I feel no longing for Africa. My homeland is Baltimore, Maryland where I grew up enjoying Cal Ripken Jr., the Orioles, and the best crab-cakes on the planet. I could not care less who did or did not own slaves a ga-zillion years ago.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American


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