In 2017 Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein attacked Amy Coney Barrett’s faith, saying, “the dogma speaks loudly within you,” and then voiced her concern for Barrett’s strong faith in Christ. Now, the Democrats are again violating the U.S. Constitution’s Article VI. clause by applying a religious test to Barrett’s nomination for a seat on the United States Supreme Court. Her religious views on homosexuality, abortion, and other issues, place the Democrats in a panic. Godliness stands against their vile and evil platform.
Another thing that frightens the Democrats is that Judge Barrett is a constitutional originalist. She stated in her opening statement she believes judges are supposed to rule based on the law as it is written. Since healthcare is not listed as an authority vested in the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, that means she would likely, in addition to ruling against gay agenda demands and pro-abortion items, rule against federal intrusion into the private health insurance industry as we have seen with the Affordable Care Act.
“The Ginsburg Rule.”
Not only, by taking these routes, are the Democrats violating the U.S. Constitution, but they are also going after Barrett based on how they think she will rule in the future, a move that goes against a rule established by the Senate, and is known as “The Ginsburg Rule.” In fact, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was very strict about her position on her future rulings, refusing to discuss anything about how she may rule in the future, and explaining that nobody, including the press or other politicians, had any business demanding from a justice how they might rule in the future.
Liberal left’s religious bigotry, a hatred for Christianity
The Republicans have also recognized the liberal left’s religious bigotry, a hatred for Christianity that has been emerging quite a bit lately.
As Democrats like Senators Booker and Blumenthal during the first day of the confirmation hearing said, they believe there is nothing normal about this hearing, and that common sense is under threat. In truth, they were actually simply revealing how little they know about the Constitution (or how easily they were willing to violate it). They are afraid Judge Barrett will join the other constitutionally minded justices on the High Court in stopping the Democrats from violating your right to keep and bear arms, the right of the unborn not to be murdered in the womb, and the radical attacks on our culture by extreme groups, agendas and ideologies that the Democrats not only support, but encourage.
The fact that Barrett clerked for Justice Scalia and holds what his views were regarding the Constitution scares them. The Constitution scares them. It is an obstacle for their hard left plans to change America into something the Founding Fathers never intended. As was Scalia’s reasoning, so is hers. As she explained in her opening statement when talking about her judicial philosophy, as well as Scalia’s, “A judge must apply the law as written, not as the judge wishes it were. Sometimes that approach meant reaching results that he did not like. But as he put it in one of his best known opinions, that is what it means to say we have a government of laws, not of men.”
Such is the difference between the rule of law and the rule of men. As I like to explain, if you abandon the rule of law, and embrace the rule of men as the Democrats are calling for, it won’t be long before we start dancing around a golden calf.
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have avoided the court packing question
Finally, both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have avoided the court packing question. The Democrats have on numerous occasions said that if they can’t get their way politically, they will pack the Supreme Court with their own judges to force a Democrat majority. When exposed, they did what they usually do, and pointed fingers back at the Republicans. According to the Democrats, it is actually the Republicans packing the court, calling the confirmation hearing of Barrett an example of the GOP packing the court. How stupid do they think we are? Packing the court with additional justices is not the same thing as President Trump constitutionally nominating a candidate, and the Senate constitutionally working on confirming that candidate. And to be honest, they are lucky there is at least a confirmation hearing going on, because the hearing is not constitutionally required. Only the confirmation vote is.
In the end, however, this is all a good thing. As usual, the Democrats are revealing to the rest of America what we’ve known they are all along. Anti-American, anti-Constitution, and Anti-Christian. And yet, somehow, they think letting us know those things about them will help them regain power … which, by the way, is what it is all about when it comes to the Democrats. Power.