Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud

Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have both been promising big things would be happening in Georgia very soon. It looks like Lin Wood has dropped his first bobmshell.

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100 Percent Fed Up – In a surprise, late-night tweet, Attorney Lin Wood, who’s been warning Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) and GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger that he’s coming after them and that he’s got the goods, laid down the gauntlet. In his first tweet in a series of tweets, Wood tweeted:

Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?

Several people have seen it. Many more will see it soon.

Video camera eye does not lie.

How do you spell Election Fraud?

Wood included two images of a subpoena for Atlanta Hawks VP Scott Wilkinson from the US District Court with GA Secretary of State Raffensperger listed as the Defendant.

The subpoena demands and surveillance tapes, documents, information or objects, permission to inspect the premises a suite in the State Farm Arena. The subpoena includes recordings of elevators and loading docks and loading dock entrances. The subpoena also asks for any work orders or permits related to a water break in the Hawks arena.

“In time, people are going to prison in Georgia,” Lin Wood warned in his next tweet, adding, “Every lie will be revealed” 
He ended with #FightBack for TRUTH

What really happened in Georgia when the water main reportedly broke causing a delay in the election counting in the state?

The  report about the “water main break” in the Atlanta Hawks State Farm Arena – On election night in Georgia President Trump was running away with the Presidential election, then suddenly it was reported that vote counting had stopped in Fulton County due to a water main break in Atlanta.

Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said.

According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m.

According to CBS WVLT8 ballots in Georgia would not be counted due to a water main break:

Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said.

According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m.

WVLT8 also released a statement from the Secretary of State related to the incident:

Tonight Fulton County will report results for approximately 86,000 absentee ballots, as well as Election Day and Early Voting results. These represent the vast majority of ballots cast within Fulton County.

As planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days. Absentee ballot processing requires that each ballot is opened, signatures verified, and ballots scanned. This is a labor-intensive process that takes longer to tabulate than other forms of voting. Fulton County did not anticipate having all absentee ballots processed on Election Day.

(States like Florida count these ballots before the election and provide up-to-date results which enables them to provide final results on election night.  Any state that doesn’t count ballots before the election when received so winners can be announced on election night appears to place ulterior motives ahead of transparency and timeliness.)

One Georgia resident, attorney Paul J. Dzikowski, attempted to obtain more information on the reported water main break in Atlanta.  He sent a letter to and requested any information related to the water main break under the Georgia Open Records Act.  This is what he wrote in his request:

Please accept this correspondence (and the attached letter) as a request for production and inspection of records under the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70, et seq. (the “Act”). Please produce, for inspection and copying, the following records:

• ALL “Public records” related to the burst pipe at State Farm Arena that occurred on or about November 3, 2020, which impacted the counting of ballots by Fulton County authorities, including and not limited to internal and external communications with any person(s), communications with Fulton Co. Board of Registrations and Elections, memoranda, notes, work orders, requisitions, invoices, repair records, and all other public records.

This request is intended to be as comprehensive as possible and should be interpreted as broadly as the law allows, in accordance with the Act, and shall encompass records in paper form and any electronic and digital format. I look forward to your prompt response as soon as the records are available for inspection and copying but in no event more than three (3) business days following your receipt of this request, as required by the Act.

In response the only public records generated as a result of the alleged “burst pipe” that halted the counting of ballots in Atlanta (Fulton Co.) were a few text messages.  These messages were with the Sr. Vice President of the Atlanta Hawks, Geoffrey Stiles, who called it a “slow leak” that was “contained quickly,” and he said the entire thing was “highly exaggerated.”

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Wood ended his series of tweets with a Crooked Hillary and Brad Raffensperger joke (?):

Hillary & Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState overheard at Atlanta cafe tonight:

Brad: Does Bleachbit work on videotapes?

Hillary: Not as well as a hammer.

Brad: Any other way to destroy evidence?

Hillary: If I had been in Nixon’s shoes, I would have burned the tapes.


The election fraud in the 2020 campaign occurred across the country and it appears that 3rd Party candidates’ accounts were used in the big shift of votes from Trump and the 3rd party candidates to Biden within the system.  Here is what we shared:

A couple days later another individual on the Internet shared his analysis showing the transfer of votes across precincts in Pennsylvania that complimented the @redpillx2 analysis reported above.

It’s Americans who are saving the day.  Sharp, bright, energetic patriots are standing up and tearing the Democrats’ fraud apart.

Today we follow up with a report from @redpillx2 where he attempted to show activity involving the 3rd party candidates that indicate fraud:


He performed further analysis on a number of states and in Illinois he shows that the election data was bizarre which suggests fraud in the Land of Lincoln.

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The numbers in Illinois are massive – something very strange and unexpected is going on there especially with the weird stair step pattern:


In the middle of the night 3rd party votes increased by more than 2% of the total votes in Illinois. But later in the night the results evaporate and apparently flow to the Biden campaign.  This is one way the votes were passed from President Trump to Biden.

The more you look into the data from the 2020 election, the more we find questionable acts that seem to always benefit Biden.  This indicates massive election fraud.

Posted in Tyranny.
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