History in the Making in Europe: 16 Right-Wing Parties Merge – Vow to “fight back with all our might”!

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Orban, Salvini and Morawiecki on the ramparts of Buda Castle April 2

16 right-wing European parties signed a charter Friday, July 2, 2021, a major step to forming a bloc that could become the biggest or second-biggest in the European Parliament and finally begin to push back against the globalists dominating Brussels.

The right-wing parties in Europe are currently split into three factions:

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  • the  European People’s Party (EPP) dominated by Angela Merkel
  • the European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR) founded by the British Conservatives, in which the Polish Law and Justice Party are now the biggest party after the departure of the Tories Brexit,
  • and the Identity and Democracy (ID) faction around France’s Marine Le Pen, Italy’s Matteo Salvini, the Austrian Freedom Party, and the Alternative for Germany.

After feuding over policy differences since 2015, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán left the RINO-style EPP in March and met with Salvini and Polish PM Jakub Morawiecki in Budapest on April 2 to plan the right-wing bloc.

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Today’s historic “Decalaration on the Future of Europe” was signed by Viktor Orbán, Salvini, Marine Le Pen, Polish PIS chair Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Chair of Spain’s Vox Santiago Abascal Conde, as well as Giorgia Meloni (Brethren of Italy) and Austrian Freedom Party chair Herbert Kickl.

Other signatories include JA21 (Netherlands), EL (Greece), PNT-CD (Romania), LLRA (Lithuania), VMRO (Bulgaria), Vlaams Belang (Belgium), DPP (Denmark), EKRE (Estonia), and PS (Finland).

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The list currently does not include the Alternative for Germany (AfD) or either of the major right-wing Dutch parties, Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party PVV or Thierry Baudet’s Forum for Democracy (FvD). The Sweden Democrats were also notably missing.

“We fully support the content and spirit of this declaration, and look forward to joining a strong, democratic, freedom-loving conservative bloc in the European Parliament”, the co-chair of the Alternative for Germany and ID faction Jörg Meuthen told the Gateway Pundit exclusively. A spokesman for the Dutch Forum for Democracy told TGP, “we are very supportive of any type of cooperation by nationalist and conservative parties and we are always eager to take part in such cooperation.”

“We are convinced that the cooperation of European nations should be based on tradition, respect for the culture and history of European states, respect for Europe’s Judeo-Christian heritage and the common values that unite our nations, and not on their destruction. We reaffirm our belief that family is the basic unit of our nations. In a time when Europe is facing a serious demographic crisis with low birth rates and aging population, pro-family policymaking should be an answer instead of mass immigration”, the Declaration reads.

“We are laying the foundation for an alliance in the EU Parliament with this agreement,” said Austrian Freedom Party Chair Kickl. “The EU is in need of serious reform, in which the patriotic parties need to speak with one voice. Instead of protecting our continent, its cultural heritage, and its freedom, the EU itself has become the source of a lot of problems and dangers. Our new alliance will fight back with all our might.”

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“This is a historic day”, reported Lega Youth international spokesman Davide Quadri from the PiS Congress in Poland. “If July 4th is American Independence Day, July 2 will go down in history as the beginning of the process to a European Independence Day!”

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The signatories include:

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Fidesz – Hungary

Prawo i Sprawiedliwo?? (PiS) – Poland

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Rassemblement National (RN) – France

Lega – Italy

Fratelli d’Italia – Italy

Vox – Spain

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Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) – Austria

Vlaams Belang (VB) – Belgium

B?lgarsko nacionalno dviženie (VMRO) – Bulgaria

Dansk Folkeparti (DF) – Denmark

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Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (EKRE) – Estonia

Perussuomalaiset (PS) – Finland

Ellinikí Lýsi (EL) – Greece

Lietuvos lenk? rinkim? akcija (LLRA) – Lithuania

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JA21 – Netherlands

Partidul Na?ional ??r?nesc Cre?tin Democrat (PNT-CD) – Romania

Source material can be found at this site.

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