Beto O’Rourke Running For Governor Of Texas – Says He Is Going After People’s Guns

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Beto O’Rourke is one of those people who is addicted to running for office. No matter how many times voters say no, he just keeps throwing his hat into the ring.

He ran for U.S. senator and lost. He ran for president and lost.

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Now he is running for governor of Texas.

FOX News reports:

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Beto O’Rourke running for Texas governor against GOP incumbent Abbott

Former congressman, Democratic presidential candidate, and Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke announced Monday that he is running for governor of Texas, setting himself up for a potential 2022 general election battle with incumbent Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

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“I’m running for governor,” O’Rourke said in a video announcement Monday.

“Together, we can push past the small and divisive politics that we see in Texas today — and get back to the big, bold vision that used to define Texas,” he added in a tweet.

O’Rourke enters a Democratic primary field that did not yet include any high-profile names. Abbot, meanwhile, will have to fend off primary challenges from former Texas GOP chairman Allen West and former state Sen. Don Huffines.

O’Rourke, in his announcement video, attacked Texas Republicans on a number of issues, including the catastrophic power grid failures last winter.

Less than an hour after his announcement, a report was released that confirmed Beto is coming after people’s guns.

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How do you think that will go over with the people of Texas?

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Maybe Beto should try getting a real job for once.

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Cross posted from American Lookout.

Source material can be found at this site.

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