Minnesota Bribing Families With $200 to Get Their Children Ages 5-11 Vaccinated

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The Minnesota Department of Health has launched a “Kids Deserve a Shot” program to bribe families into vaccinating their young children.

The program offers families a $200 VISA gift card for getting their children between the ages of 5-11 the first and second vaccine doses.

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In the fine print for the program, the state says that they are collecting information about the children that is considered “private” under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, but by accepting the gift card, you waive your rights.

“The Minnesota Department of Health (‘MDH’) is collecting information from you about your child and their receipt of the COVID-19 vaccine so you can register your child for a $200 Visa Gift Card vaccine reward. Your child’s information is private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. MDH will use the information you provide to verify your child’s eligibility for the reward and to send a gift card, as supplies allow. You are not legally required to provide your child’s information, but if you do not provide the required information (shown by a ‘*’ symbol next to those items), your child will not be able to receive a gift card,” the Department of Health website states.

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“For your child to receive the $200 Visa Gift card, you will need to provide consent on this form for MDH to share your child’s name and mailing address with U.S. Bank so that U.S. Bank can mail your child the gift card, if eligible,” the rules continue. “Your child’s private data will otherwise only be shared with MDH employees and contractors who have a reason to know and other persons or entities as specifically authorized by law.”

The government is calling the bribes “vaccine rewards.”

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The program will run from January 1 through February 28.

Minnesota offered the program to teens aged 12-17 in October.

“To keep our schools safe for kids of all ages, we need our teens who are eligible now to get fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan said at the time.  “Our children deserve a shot of protection from these safe, effective vaccines, and kids deserve a shot at these amazing rewards.”

Local news station KEYC reported that Governor Walz authorized $12.2 million in federal American Rescue Plan funds for the “Kids Deserve a Shot” incentive program.

Source material can be found at this site.

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