Biden Approval Drops to 37 Percent in ABC-WaPo Poll

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It turns out the ‘most popular’ president in US history isn’t so popular.

Joe Biden’s approval dropped to 37 percent in a WaPo-ABC poll.

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Only 37 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, with 55 percent disapproving.

This is a left-leaning poll so the numbers are actually much worse for Joe Biden.

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ABC News reported:

Economic discontent is hurting President Joe Biden and his party’s midterm election prospects, with six in 10 Americans reporting inflation hardships, three-quarters saying the economy’s in bad shape and a nearly 20-point lead for the Republican Party in trust to handle it.

Biden has other problems, with underwater ratings for his handling of the invasion of Ukraine, a split on the pandemic and weak scores on personal attributes including leadership, handling a crisis and mental sharpness.

But 40-year-high inflation leads his headaches: Americans are twice as likely to say they’re worse off than better off under his presidency, by 35-17%

The result: A career-low 37% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance overall, with 55% disapproving. That includes just 30% approval among political independents and 10% from Republicans. Even in his own party, nearly a quarter of Democrats either disapprove of Biden (19%) or are withholding judgment (4%).

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The media still hasn’t explained how Joe Biden, who supposedly got 81 million votes in the 2020 election, has such abysmal poll numbers just over one year later.

Source material can be found at this site.

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