Kamala Harris Delivers Another Word Salad When Asked About Soaring Gas Prices (AUDIO)

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Kamala Harris appeared on the Willie Moore show over the weekend to discuss soaring gas prices and the Biden Admin’s infrastructure package.

Harris was asked about soaring gas prices and she delivered a word salad.

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“How do we get to a solution for [gas prices]?” the host asked Kamala Harris.

Gas prices are at record highs because of Joe Biden’s war on American energy production.

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“Well first of all we’ve been, um, you know, understanding that it is a real issue, um, what we have done is we’ve actually released some of the reserves, the petroleum reserves to bring down the cost of gas prices. And we are also dealing with – the cost of gas is just part of the issue of the cost of living, right?” Harris said. “It’s too expensive for too many people.”

How profound.

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Kamala Harris was also asked for some words of encouragement to Americans who are struggling.

“I would say first of all thank you for being a fighter, for knowing that we have reason to have faith in what is possible but we have to work to make it achievable and that includes what folks did to get out and vote in 2020 because that led to – I think of it like this – people put in their order and said this is what I want.”

Source material can be found at this site.

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