Johns Hopkins Child Sex Abuse Center Hires Transgender Professor Who Previously Defended Pedophiles

Allyn Walker

A Johns Hopkins University child sexual abuse center has hired a transgender professor who previously defended pedophiles.

What could possibly go wrong?

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“We are excited to share that Allyn Walker, PhD, will be joining the Moore Center as a postdoctoral fellow on May 25,” the Moore Center for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse tweeted.

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Allyn Walker previously resigned from a Virginia university after a video of him/her defending pedophiles went viral.

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Walker was placed on administrative leave and ultimately resigned from Old Dominion University after insisting pedophiles be referred to as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” because it’s less stigmatizing.


Walker said his comments on pedophiles were mischaracterized and taken out of context because he’s transgender.

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“That research was mischaracterized by some in the media and online, partly on the basis of my trans identity. As a result, multiple threats were made against me and the campus community generally,” Walker said.

“I want to thank Old Dominion University for giving me the opportunity to teach and to conduct my research, and the ODU Department of Public Safety for monitoring the threats against me and the community,” Walker added.

The New York Post reported:

An academic who resigned from a Virginia university after saying it wasn’t necessarily immoral for adults to be sexually attracted to kids has been hired by a Johns Hopkins University center aimed at preventing child sexual abuse.

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“We are excited to share that Allyn Walker, PhD, will be joining the Moore Center as a postdoctoral fellow on May 25,” the Moore Center for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in Baltimore tweeted Thursday.

The Moore Center’s decision to hire Walker was slammed by critics, including Michael Salter, a professor at the University of New South Wales in Australia and president-elect of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, Fox News reported.

“To retain its ethical foundation, child sexual abuse prevention work has to be victim-centred. What is victim-centric about the claim that there is nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to children?” Salter said in a tweet.

“Too much prevention work is being driven by researchers and practitioners who work solely with offenders or people sexually attracted to children. What these individuals say in a research encounter or forensic interview does not line up with victim report,” he added.

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Luke Malone, a journalist who has written for the Washington Post, called Walker’s hire “an incredible end to a troubling chapter.”

Source material can be found at this site.

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