Let’s Talk America with Dr. Alan Keyes: Dr. Rick Morton discusses abortion, adoption, Lifeline Children’s Services – Brighteon.TV

Image: Let’s Talk America with Dr. Alan Keyes: Dr. Rick Morton discusses abortion, adoption, Lifeline Children’s Services – Brighteon.TV
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(Natural News)
Dr. Rick Morton shared that one of the very first fundamental truths he learned is that all life is created in the image of God and that every human being from the point of conception is a creation of God.

“People esteem others not because of what they can do or what they can contribute, but because people are a reflection of their Creator,” he said during the June 28 episode of “Let’s Talk America” with Dr. Alan Keyes on Brighteon.TV. “Everything people do should stem from the idea that we are created in the image and reflection of God.”

However, not all families can procreate. According to Morton, this is where those who have been deprived can step into “minor redemptive works” that provide people the opportunity to put the Creator on display.

Adoption, Morton said, is something that allows people to honor their Creator and mirror His character as they care for all lives.

That’s the exact opposite of abortion, which literally kills and destroys His image.

“The longer the debate over abortion, the longer access to abortion has lingered in our country,” Morton said. “I really believe that where we are today is an opportunity to have a bit of a cultural reset. We’ve been thinking pretty wrongly for a long time about the value of human life and about the place of human life.” (Related: Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, sending issue of abortion back to states where it always belonged.)

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Build positive structures that reflect commitment

The overturn of Roe v. Wade is a continuing battle that will go on in the states that still believe in the right to abortion, and Keyes believes that it leaves the pro-life groups in a position where they can exemplify and build positive structures that reflect their commitment to life.

Keyes pointed out that being pro-life is also about understanding that there are people in a situation, that for whatever reason, are sometimes just callously trying to escape responsibility. There are people who have a deep sense of not being ready to raise a child, and pro-lifers also have to be aware of them, Keyes said. (Related: Leftists make good on “night of rage” riot threats after Roe v. Wade gets overturned.)

“Because otherwise, we’re not aware of the gamut of things we need to be building in order to assure that that temptation to kill is overwhelmed by a temptation to love, to nurture, to care for both the saved child – but also, when you think about it – that individual soul who is saved from walking down a path of darkness.”

Morton’s organization, Lifeline Children’s Services, pushes to create dialogues about unwanted pregnancies and ministering to vulnerable children and vulnerable families. They mobilize people into crisis pregnancy ministry by serving women and couples that are in unexpected pregnancies and helping them negotiate these pregnancies through domestic and international adoption services or foster care.

They also help churches engage in the foster care system by working with birth families and raising foster families from within the church to be able to care for children.

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Essentially, what Morton emphasized with this organization is that there are ways to engage these children and families, and help them move toward independence in a way that helps them prepare to live as fully functioning members of the society.

Whether it is global orphan care or strategic projects, Morton’s organization wants to work with Christians to care for orphans in their own community and stop the need for abortions.

“It was never a political battle. It was always a battle to get the evil that was being done through politics out of the way, so that good people of good hearts could get on with the business of doing God’s will in the right way,” Keyes said.

Watch below the full June 28 episode of “Let’s Talk America” with Dr. Alan Keyes and his guest Dr. Rick Morton.

Catch new episodes of “Let’s Talk America” with Dr. Alan Keyes every weekday at 1-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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