Some people are starting to think that Florida Democrat Charlie Crist is trying to lose his race for governor.
In a little noticed segment on Good Morning America back in May, Crist said that he thinks vaccine passports are a good idea for Florida.
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Most people thought we were long past that horrible idea.
Here’s a transcript via Florida’s Voice:
ANCHOR: “Congressman, you know, Governor DeSantis has also banned businesses from acquiring vaccine passports. And this obviously is going to have an impact on lots of businesses there in your state, including the cruise ship industry. Where do you stand on vaccine passports and businesses?”
CRIST: “We should have vaccine passports. I think that’s important. I met with some of the cruise line industry CEOs. And what they told me is that they don’t want to have a ship go out, you know, when we have three ports that really have an awful lot of cruise line industry, business jobs, etc. I mean, you know, if you talk about having 98% and you have 2% on the ship that are not vaccinated, you could suffer an outbreak. It would decimate the industry if that were to happen. I don’t know why the governor doesn’t believe in safety first, you know, I don’t get it. I really don’t. And that’s why I’m running against him.”
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Here’s the video:
Charlie Crist: “We should have vaccine passports. I think that’s important.” pic.twitter.com/N7oujQAOj5
— DeSantis War Room (@DeSantisWarRoom) September 13, 2022
Does Crist think this is a winning position?
Is Crist actively trying to lose? Bc the way he’s campaigning, it almost seems like he’s a plant for to have a record DeSantis victory make RDS look unstoppable nationally.
— ScreenGrabSnafu (@ScreenGrabSnafu) September 13, 2022
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Thanks Charlie! You just gave Desantis the win.
— SurrogateReader (@ChadrickAnn) September 13, 2022
Ron DeSantis should play that clip over and over from now until the election.
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Cross posted from American Lookout.
Source material can be found at this site.