Trump Attorney Tacopina: “Democrats are Booking on Hoping a New York City Jury Would Never Acquit Donald Trump” (VIDEO)

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Trump attorney Joe Tacopina joined Mark Levin on Sunday on Life, Liberty and Levin.

Tacopina discussed the latest Stormy Daniels case against President Trump, a misdemeanor the New York City DA wants to charge Trump as a felony. President Trump announced on Saturday DA Alvin Bragg is is going to arrest him on the bogus charges on Tuesday. This is the latest Democrat Party political assault on the former president. Democrats have at least two more lawfare suits percolating in the background against President Trump.

Earlier today Mark Levin debunked the Democrat attempts to use the manufactured lawsuits as a weapon to take down President Trump.

Tacopina told Mark Levin on Sunday, “What they are booking on, I’ll be honest with you. They’re booking on hoping a New York jury would never acquit Donald Trump.”

Anyone paying attention knows this is true. Despite his lifetime of work to improve his beloved New York City, President Trump has next to zero chance of an acquittal in New York City.

Source material can be found at this site.

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