Parents Are Turning to Easter Potatoes Due to High Egg Prices

This year, under the brutal Biden economy, the Easter Bunny isn’t bringing some children eggs but instead, he’s giving them potatoes.

Due to the record high costs of eggs due to the various avian flu outbreaks, many parents are opting to paint potatoes this year instead of eggs.

Various videos on social media have gone viral and show parents painting potatoes with their children due to the rising cost of eggs.

The trend is so bizarre, reporters at Newsmax were unable to keep a straight face while reporting on the story.



Per Fox 8 Live News:

Egg prices have stabilized from their January highs, but they’re still not cheap.

Some people on social media are trying something different for Easter this year – painting potatoes instead of eggs.

The marketing and promotion board of Potatoes USA is pushing the idea by offering tips on how to get the best Easter spud. You can either use food coloring or regular paint.

According to the Consumer Price Index the price of eggs have spiked 66% over the last year.

The soaring cost of eggs even has the Dollar Tree unable to put eggs on their shelves anymore.

Dollar Tree Stops Selling Eggs Because They Are Too Expensive Now

Source material can be found at this site.

Posted in Tyranny and tagged , , , , .

Parents Are Turning to Easter Potatoes Due to High Egg Prices

This year, under the brutal Biden economy, the Easter Bunny isn’t bringing some children eggs but instead, he’s giving them potatoes.

Due to the record high costs of eggs due to the various avian flu outbreaks, many parents are opting to paint potatoes this year instead of eggs.

Various videos on social media have gone viral and show parents painting potatoes with their children due to the rising cost of eggs.

The trend is so bizarre, reporters at Newsmax were unable to keep a straight face while reporting on the story.



Per Fox 8 Live News:

Egg prices have stabilized from their January highs, but they’re still not cheap.

Some people on social media are trying something different for Easter this year – painting potatoes instead of eggs.

The marketing and promotion board of Potatoes USA is pushing the idea by offering tips on how to get the best Easter spud. You can either use food coloring or regular paint.

According to the Consumer Price Index the price of eggs have spiked 66% over the last year.

The soaring cost of eggs even has the Dollar Tree unable to put eggs on their shelves anymore.

Dollar Tree Stops Selling Eggs Because They Are Too Expensive Now

Source material can be found at this site.

Posted in Tyranny and tagged , , , , .