Biden to grant illegal aliens free government health care, funded by debt placed on American taxpayers

Image: Biden to grant illegal aliens free government health care, funded by debt placed on American taxpayers
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(Natural News)
In a statement this week, the Biden regime announced that illegal aliens who enter the country illegally can enroll in the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, allowing them to receive free health care on the taxpayer dime.

Eligible DACA recipients, also known as “dreamers,” will receive free coverage under Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Barack Hussein Obama first launched the program in 2012 to ensure that illegal aliens get free health care coverage, even as millions of Americans are stuck having to pay for it out of pocket.

“President [sic] Biden and Vice President [sic] Harris believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege,” reads the White House statement.

“Together, they promised to protect and strengthen the ACA and Medicaid, lowering costs and expanding coverage so that every American has the peace of mind that health insurance brings.”

(Related: Planned Parenthood is fully on board with giving DACA recipients whatever they want – just so long as they are not unborn babies, in which case they must be murdered for profit.)

Biden also wants to grant citizenship to DACA recipients

The Biden regime is also pushing forward with a plan to strong-arm Congress into granting full citizenship rights to DACA recipients, meaning they would receive both free health care and full citizenship benefits just for hopping across the border illegally.

“The President’s announcement gives DACA recipients that same opportunity, as the Administration continues to urge Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship to Dreamers, providing them the ultimate peace of mind they need and deserve,” the White House said.

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In 2022, there were about 600,000 individuals actively enrolled in the DACA program, according to data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Last October, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that DACA was “illegal” in response to several lawsuits filed by Republican-led states. This has stopped any new applicants from joining the program.

“While Congress has failed to act, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken significant measures to protect Dreamers,” the White House added.

“This includes, issuing regulations by the Department of Homeland Security to ‘preserve and fortify’ DACA and fighting political opponents in court as they attempt to strip them of the only home they have ever known.”

If finalized, the free health care addition to DACA would represent the first time that illegal aliens in the U.S. have been eligible for coverage. DACA recipients would be able to apply for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Other programs available to Dreamers that are not available to actual American citizens include:

• The AmeriCorps VISTA Program, which offers them special job opportunities, living allowances, professional development training, and a cash stipend.

• Outdoor programs such as Every Kid Outdoors, the Scout Ranger Program, Healthy Parks, Healthy People, and YMCA-National Parks Service partnership programs such as the Bringing Youth Outdoors Together Summer Camp Program.

• American Job Centers, which helps illegal aliens get counseling, skill training, ability assessment services, and advice for how to make more money in the workforce.

• Job Corps, another education and vocational training program offered by the U.S. Department of Labor to illegals between the ages of 16 and 24 to help them “secure good jobs and become independent.”

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• YouthBuild, another program for illegals aged 16-24 to teach them vocational skills in construction and “other in-demand industries including health care, information technology, and hospitality,” while also allowing illegals to prepare for college and apprenticeship programs.

• ARP Good Jobs Challenge, which aims to expand career opportunities for illegals to find “good-paying jobs,” as well as support services such as access to childcare, transportation, and “paid on-the-job training opportunities.”

Biden is also offering expanded assistance with renting or purchasing a home to illegals who qualify under DACA.

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