Are covid and the "vaccines" the worst genocidal atrocity in world history?

Image: Are covid and the “vaccines” the worst genocidal atrocity in world history?
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(Natural News)
The official numbers from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that nearly one billion people tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) since the start of the “pandemic,” and nearly seven million people have died. Does this make covid and its associated “vaccines” the worst act of genocide ever perpetrated in the history of the world?

Since the fallout from covid and its Operation Warp Speed “vaccine” program is still ongoing, the final figures have yet to be tabulated. There is also the problem of who is doing the counting, as official government sources, including the WHO, seem to be avoiding the vaccine-induced deaths while blaming the rest of the deaths on “covid.”

Truth be told, it was the government-imposed covid policies that are largely responsible for all the pain and suffering that came about from the plandemic. Had the media, government officials, and left-wing corporations refused to participate in the charade, how many now-deceased people would still be with us?

According to Dr. Robert Malone, MD, many of the deaths blamed on “covid” were caused by the lockdowns, which led many into a death spiral of alcohol and drug abuse – and in some cases suicide. Then there was the deprivation of medical access throughout the scamdemic, which left many sick people with no treatment options until the government decided it was okay to reopen.

(Related: Some estimates suggest that as many as one billion people have died since the start of the scamdemic and later, Operation Warp Speed.)

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Covid and the “vaccines” were designed to kill en masse

A quick look at the biggest disasters and genocides that have ever occurred throughout history suggests that most, if not all, of them pale in comparison to what the covid psychological operation accomplished in terms of massively reducing the world’s population under the guise of protecting “public health.”

The largest natural disaster, excluding famine, that occurred in the 20th century was the Chinese Yangtze River Floods of 1932, which killed an estimated 3.7 million people both directly through flooding and indirectly through poor sanitation and diseases.

“In 1958, the Chinese Yellow River Flood killed around a million people, although estimates widely vary,” Malone writes. “Other floods, cyclones, earthquakes all killed countless people. But none did so with as much devastation to human life as was done by the SARS-CoV-2-WIV virus.”

“But we also know this was not a natural disaster, this disaster was man made.”

In Malone’s view, based on the official list of mass genocides listed at Wikipedia, there haven’t been any other single human atrocities throughout history that even “come close” to the number of deaths that resulted from what he calls the “COVIDcrisis.”

“How do we ‘know this?’” he writes. “Because we have the receipts thanks to Judicial Watch, as well as the Congressional investigations – still ongoing.”

Just this week, Judicial Watch received 552 pages of documentation from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) showing initial grant applications, biosketches, budgets, and annual reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from EcoHealth Alliance. These documents describe the specific aims of covid, which involved the deliberate creation of “mutant” viruses based on SARS and MERS “to better predict the capacity of our CoVs [coronaviruses] to infect people.”

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It was designed to sound benevolent, but the truth of the matter is that covid is a bioweapon, just like the so-called “vaccines,” both of which were designed to kill en masse.

“This research has to stop now,” Malone says about such projects. “Congress must stop the funding immediately. There must be accountability. There must be justice for the injured and the dead.”

The latest news about the ongoing death toll from covid and the jabs can be found at

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