Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren Gets Roasted on Twitter for Posting Message About ‘Indigenous People’s Day’

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Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren got mocked into next week for posting a message on Twitter about Indigenous People’s Day.

What is it with Warren? You would think after her embarrassing DNA test fiasco during the 2016 election, she would keep her mouth shut on this issue, but she just keeps doubling down.

FOX News reports:

Elizabeth Warren mocked for ‘Indigenous People’s Day’ tweet: ‘You just might want to sit this one out’

Twitter users were quick to point out the irony in Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., promoting Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday.

Warren celebrated the holiday, which replaces Columbus Day in various cities across the country, on her account that morning.

“On #IndigenousPeoplesDay, we celebrate the contributions, the extraordinary resilience, and the rich cultures of tribal nations and Native communities. Today and every day, the federal government must recommit itself to honoring its promises to Native peoples,” Warren wrote.

Social media users piled on this tweet after Warren’s previous scandal regarding her false claims of Native American heritage.

Here’s Warren’s tweet:

Here are some reactions:

Does Warren have an ounce of shame? Doesn’t she know how this looks to most people?

Source material can be found at this site.

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